Workers Power Issue 389

Here’s to 2022 – for a revolutionary new year

Editorial December-January 2021-22, No. 389

Workers Power  ·  31 December 2021

Fight inflation – for a sliding scale of wages!

For a 1% increase in wages for every 1% increase in prices.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 December 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse and Michael Reinoehl: a tale of two shootings

Racist judicial system frees right wing militiaman Kyle Rittenhouse, but murders Michael Reinoehl

Andy Yorke  ·  12 December 2021

Indian farmers’ victory delivers serious blow to Modi government

After a year of struggle Indian farmers have humbled the country’s ‘strongman’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Javiad Imran  ·  11 December 2021

Stop the purge of the Labour left

The ongoing witch-hunt against socialists and pro-Palestinian activists within the Labour Party has jumped up another gear.

Alex Rutherford  ·  11 December 2021

Defend the Palestine solidarity movement at LSE

Palestinians and their supporters in Britain are facing a new offensive following Tzipi Hotovely's visit to the London School of Economics.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  10 December 2021

Students and staff – unite and fight for fair learning and working conditions

University managers have resorted to the tried and tested tactic of divide and rule, attempting to whip up student hostility against staff.

KD Tait  ·  10 December 2021

COP26: Governments fail to act (again)

Once again leaving the climate crisis in the hands of politicians and business has ended in failure.

Chris Clough  ·  10 December 2021

Transgender healthcare discrimination – the only solution is workers control

Since the start of the pandemic, trans people have been left in limbo by the NHS, with devastating effects on their physical and mental health.

Alex Rutherford  ·  09 December 2021

Argentinian election: far left and far right advances

The Workers Left Front – Unity (FIT-U), a coalition made up of four Trotskyist organisations, has emerged as the country’s third largest political force in Argentina.

George Banks  ·  09 December 2021

Racism in Yorkshire County Cricket Club

The recent revelations by Azeem Rafiq have illuminated the deep rooted racism faced by many cricket players.

Sarah Barden  ·  08 December 2021

All out for the UCU strike

Students and staff unite - for decent conditions on campus

Dara O'Cogaidhin  ·  08 December 2021

Escalating anti-migrant aggression in Eastern Europe exposes EU hypocrisy

Horrific scenes of families starving and freezing on the Belarusian border represent a new low for human rights in the recent history of Europe.

Urte March  ·  08 December 2021

NHS, local government, schools: strike for real pay rises!

Only the rank and file can overcome the divided union leaders and deliver votes for industrial action

A Unison Steward  ·  08 December 2021

The return of Covid – public health before private wealth!

Omicron and vaccine mismanagement push pandemic into third year

George Banks  ·  08 December 2021

Halt the tragedies in the Channel – let the refugees in

UK racist border controls are killing people

Workers Power  ·  25 November 2021

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