LGBT+ Liberation

Resist attacks on LGBT people – London Trans Pride 2024

None of us is free until all of us are free.

Rob Schofield  ·  26 July 2024

Obituary: Dave Lewis (1959–2024)

Dave Lewis, revolutionary socialist and founder of Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners

Workers Power  ·  31 January 2024

Resist the Tories’ carnival of reaction

It’s time for them to go.

George Banks  ·  13 October 2023

Defend Trans people

By R Banks and Millie Collins ON 11 FEBRUARY, 16 year old Brianna Ghey was brutally murdered, stabbed to death in Warrington Park by two 15 year olds. Brianna was transgender and had become a prominent representative of the young trans community on TikTok.  Police took four days to declare that the murder ‘might’ be […]

Rob Schofield  ·  09 March 2023

Transgender healthcare discrimination – the only solution is workers control

Since the start of the pandemic, trans people have been left in limbo by the NHS, with devastating effects on their physical and mental health.

Alex Rutherford  ·  09 December 2021

Alabama bill threatens trans youth

Alabama denies vital healthcare to trans youth

Millie Collins  ·  11 March 2021

Tories block gender recognition reform

A workers’ movement divided by prejudice cannot unite against the system that exploits and oppresses us.

Dave Brody  ·  26 September 2020

Resist the Tories’ attack on Trans Rights!

The entire Labour and trade union movement must organise to resist the Tories’ attack on existing, inadequate, rights and fight to extend trans rights to include self-ID.

Rob Schofield  ·  16 June 2020

Hungary: Orban uses pandemic to attack Trans rights

Under the guise of the coronavirus pandemic, Viktor Orban has been granted the power to rule Hungary by decree. His first act? To attack trans rights.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  04 May 2020

Pride and Prejudice – Queerphobia in the UK

Many in Western imperialist countries believe that the battle for equal rights is now won due to the rainbow-tinged corporate logo bombardment that is Pride Month and with the ever-increasing presence of LGBTQ+ people in the public eye. British society doesn’t appear as overtly heterosexist and cissexist as it was several decades ago, but does that mean the struggle for queer liberation is over?

Workers Power  ·  17 July 2019

No Pride in deportations!

50 years after the Stonewall riots, over a million people flooded central London for the biggest ever annual Pride celebration. The actual march, limited to just 30,000 participants by Pride organisers, was overwhelmingly a jamboree of corporate and government pink-washing

Workers Power  ·  09 July 2019

The Stonewall Rebellion 50 years on

Pride must not be handed over to the corporations or the liberals, let alone the police, just to show “how far we have come”. We owe it to those facing beatings and murders today to make it a militant demonstration of solidarity with them.

Workers Power  ·  03 July 2019

The Oppression of Trans People

Resolution on the oppression of trans people.

Workers Power  ·  17 March 2019

Why socialists oppose Trump’s ban on Trans soldiers

It is vitally important that we prevent LGBT+ individuals from being forced out of public life by discriminatory policies that seek to invalidate anyone that dares transgress society’s gender norms.

Rob Schofield  ·  06 March 2019

Homophobia and racism after the Orlando Massacre

By Dave Stockton The murder of 49 people at Pulse, a gay night club in Orlando, Florida is a horrific event which provokes the deepest sympathy both for the survivors and for the grieving families, partners and friends of the dead and injured. Our sympathy and solidarity should also be extended to LGBT communities throughout […]

Workers Power  ·  14 June 2016

Global day of rage against India’s anti-gay law

By Joy Macready Hundreds took to the streets in major Indian cities and other countries on 15 December for a ‘Global Day of Rage’ against the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Section 377, a law that criminalises gay sex. Protests took place in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Pune, Mysore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Chennai, as […]

Workers Power  ·  28 December 2013

Homophobic Britain

Chris Newcombe reports on the rise of homophobia in Britain today

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

Gay rights – a class issue

Capitalism does all it can to preserve its form of the family and with it the oppression of women, lesbians and gays.

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

Where does homophobia come from?

WHY IS homophobia still so prevalent around the world? Can lesbians and gay men achieve equality under capitalism? To answer these questions, we need to understand the role families and relationships play within the current social and economic system – capitalism.

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

Anger as gay activist beaten to death in Uganda

David Kato was bludgeoned to death in his home with a hammer on 26 January. David was a gay rights activist in Uganda, leading the Sexual Minorities Uganda (Smug) campaigning organisation. David knew he was a target in a country renown for its anti-gay laws. It is already an offence, punishable by 14 years in […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

Deadly homophobic violence on the rise in Britain

Recent months have seen an increase in the number of homophobic attacks across the country. Alex Kelby and Jim Parker argue for a militant campaign of resistance Over the summer, a number of gay men were attacked coming out of London bars. In one incident, a 21-year old was left paralysed after being repeatedly stabbed […]

Workers Power  ·  06 November 2009

Class struggle bulletin

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