Labour Party

“No money without reform”: Darzi Report kicks off Labour’s NHS plans

By Andy Yorke Lord Darzi’s 12 September report on NHS England has been widely welcomed for its defence of the beloved health service. One of the first acts of the new Labour government was to commission the esteemed academic surgeon to carry out ‘a rapid investigation of the state of the NHS, assessing patient access, […]

Andy Yorke  ·  06 October 2024

Labour conference fails to deliver hope for change

By KD Tait KEIR STARMER spent his first conference as prime minister under pressure to offer tangible evidence of the party’s commitment to its election slogan of ‘change’. Rachel Reeves responded to demands for the government to set out a positive vision by putting on a grin and declaring there would be ‘no return to […]

Workers Power  ·  26 September 2024

Labour prepares to put working class on rations

Labour's promise of change has been revealed to be change for the worse. The trade unions and communities need to prepare to fight back.

Workers Power  ·  05 September 2024

Labour plans pain for poorest

By George Banks AFTER 14 YEARS of economic misery under the Tories, it might have been expected that a Labour government would at least spare the poorest the cost of their obsession with ‘balancing the books’. But despite promising ‘change’, Starmer and Reeves have devoted their efforts to dampening these expectations.Labour’s failure to scrap the […]

Workers Power  ·  02 September 2024

The Left and the general election

Only by gathering the forces of working class opposition to Labour and directing them in a united front against the government can we begin to build a party that can not only resist the coming attacks on our class, but destroy capitalism and the imperialist system that stand behind Starmer and Reeves.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  09 July 2024

No honeymoon for Labour

To get reforms out of Labour will be like drawing teeth.

KD Tait  ·  08 July 2024

Thames Water bankrupt: Nationalise the water companies

Free-market economists’ claims about the efficiency of privatisation don’t hold water.

Andy Yorke  ·  06 July 2024

Labour victory: now organise the resistance

Our task is to make our unions and social movements fight Labour’s coming attacks.

KD Tait  ·  05 July 2024

A Labour government will open a new terrain of struggle

To fight for anticapitalist measures to tackle war, poverty and climate change--we need a revolutionary workers' party

Workers Power  ·  13 June 2024

The general election and the tasks of the working class

The workers' movement has to put Labour on notice that it can expect no honeymoon

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2024

Is the NHS safe in Labour’s hands?

Privatisation is here to stay

Workers Power  ·  09 June 2024

Will GB Energy have the power to tackle climate change?

Labour's energy plan amounts to little more than state subsidies for big energy companies

Workers Power  ·  08 June 2024

Keir Starmer gets his betrayals in early

Rachel Reeve's 'smoked salmon offensive' must be met with a workers' offensive

Workers Power  ·  07 March 2024

Starmer’s dirty tricks sabotage parliament ceasefire call

Labour avoided a major rebellion by trampling on democracy -- a habit Keir Starmer is becoming fond of

Workers Power  ·  23 February 2024

Tories take aim at migrant workers as Brexit drives immigration to record high

Keir Starmer and Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper are desperate not to be viewed as ‘soft on migrants’.

George Banks  ·  14 January 2024

The class struggle in 2024

Great power rivalry is back. That means more wars, more coups — and an end to the farce of global cooperation on climate change. On the home front, a general election is a chance for workers to put our demands on the agenda.

KD Tait  ·  12 January 2024

For Workers’ Action To break links with Israel

Britain is a key link in Israel’s war machine, selling weapons, conducting research, and investing pension funds. It’s time to the break the link—no cooperation with occupation!

Dave Stockton  ·  12 January 2024

Labour MPs defy leadership to vote for ceasefire

Mass pressure is having an effect.

Workers Power  ·  16 November 2023

Labour commits to Tory spending plans

Tories and Labour have moved into election mode.

Peter Main  ·  13 November 2023

Why we defend ‘from the river to the sea’

Andy MacDonald, Labour MP for Middlesbrough, has been suspended for using the phrase.

Workers Power  ·  13 November 2023

Starmer doubles down on support for Israel’s war

Dozens of councillors have resigned, and Labour have tried to frame dissent as a 'Muslim issue'.

George Banks  ·  13 November 2023

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