Labour Party

Starmer’s ‘five missions’ offer little to the working class

After the local elections, Starmer's Labour looks set to enter government. With the parliamentary left defeated we must organise to force workers' demands onto their agenda

George Banks  ·  03 June 2023

Starmer v Sunak

By Alex Rutherford WITH A new winter of discontent, rising prices, a growing strike wave and scandals ranging from tax penalties to kidnapped child refugees, it is no wonder that many commentators are predicting that Rishi Sunak’s career as Prime Minister may be a short one. From the perspective of the working class, the shorter […]

Alex Rutherford  ·  07 February 2023

Leftwing candidate excluded in Labour HQ stitch-up

Members should boycott this fraudulent selection.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  02 November 2022

‘Which side are you on?’ Labour has a crisis of leadership

Labour’s lead has narrowed to just four points.

George Banks  ·  13 September 2022

Left maintains NEC seats – despite Momentum

Four of the five candidates of the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance were elected to the NEC.

Peter Main  ·  12 September 2022

The limits of municipal socialism: A review of Radical Lambeth by Simon Hannah

Dave Stocking Radical Lambeth: 1978-1991 by Simon Hannah

Dave Stockton  ·  05 September 2022

Starmer fails test of elections and strikes

Boris Johnson's government suffered two significant by-election defeats on 23 June.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  13 July 2022

Nothing new on offer in Momentum leadership elections

By Urte March VOTING IS open until 6 July in the Momentum leadership elections, with two slates—Your Momentum and Momentum Organisers—competing in a lifeless re-run of the 2020 contest. Your Momentum is a rebrand of the incumbent Forward Momentum grouping orienting itself towards social movements and community campaigns, while Momentum Organisers emphasises the need to […]

Urte March  ·  02 July 2022

Stagflation crisis looms, and we must make the rich pay

It will be up to the rank and file to lead the resistance.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  27 April 2022

Left must fight against anti-socialist bans

Labour’s NEC has voted to proscribe three leftwing organisations.

KD Tait  ·  13 April 2022

Manchester wins control of buses – now fight to nationalise them

Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham has won a court case in defence of his plans to bring the city’s buses back into public control

Unite and Fight Bulletin  ·  28 March 2022

Solidarity with Coventry bin workers

Coventry’s refuse drivers have voted 94% in favour of continuing their strike as Coventry Labour councillors are suspended from Unite.

Unite and Fight Bulletin  ·  28 March 2022

Should the trade unions disaffiliate from Labour?

Strike-breaking by Coventry's Labour council has raised the question of affiliation once again

Tim Nailsea  ·  06 March 2022

Support Coventry bin workers against Labour council’s attacks

Support Coventry Bin Workers Against Labour Council’s Attacks

Unite and Fight Bulletin  ·  19 February 2022

Tory crisis: An opportunity for resistance

The Tory crisis won't last forever.

KD Tait  ·  07 February 2022

Stop the purge of the Labour left

The ongoing witch-hunt against socialists and pro-Palestinian activists within the Labour Party has jumped up another gear.

Alex Rutherford  ·  11 December 2021

Defend the Palestine solidarity movement at LSE

Palestinians and their supporters in Britain are facing a new offensive following Tzipi Hotovely's visit to the London School of Economics.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  10 December 2021

AWL blames Stalinism for Corbyn defeat

Urte March reviews Corbynism: What Went Wrong by Martin Thomas (AWL)

Urte March  ·  02 November 2021

Workers Expected to Pay for Worst Economic Crisis since 2008

By Tim Nailsea BRITAIN’S ECONOMIC growth has almost stalled because of shortages of labour in parts of industry and of material inputs, due to disruptions in the supply chain, coupled with the effects of Brexit. GDP grew by 0.4% in August but is still 0.8% below where it was in February 2020, before the country […]

Tim Nailsea  ·  25 October 2021

Labour party conference 2021: Locking the Left out for good?

Editorial October 2021, No. 387

Dave Stockton  ·  01 October 2021

Political bulletin: 2021 Labour party conference

Political bulletin for 26 September 2021

Workers Power  ·  26 September 2021

Class struggle bulletin

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