Who we are

WORKERS POWER is a revolutionary communist organisation fighting to replace capitalism with international socialism—the common ownership and democratic planning of the economy in the interests of people and planet. Our goal is communism: a classless society which heralds the end of exploitation, oppression and conflict and the liberation of humanity’s true potential.

We organise a revolutionary tendency inside the labour movement in order to oppose its reformist leadership and win workers and youth to the fight for social revolution and workers’ power. We campaign to democratise the trade unions through a rank and file movement which dissolves the unelected bureaucracy and fights for workers’ control of production.

We oppose all forms of discrimination based on race, age, disability, sex or sexual orientation. We oppose all immigration controls and support black self-defence against racist and state attacks.

We unconditionally support all those fighting against imperialism or national oppression, while fighting for socialist, not nationalist, leadership of those struggles. We are for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all British troops from Ireland and overseas bases. Britain out of Nato. Replace the standing army with a workers’ militia.

Against the dictatorship of capital we stand for a society based on common ownership and democratic planning. The bosses will never allow their wealth and privilege to be voted away. That’s why we fight for revolution and workers’ power.

At the core of our strategy is the building of fighting organisations of the working class—factory committees, industrial unions, councils of action, and workers’ defence organisations.

We are internationalists and members of the British section of the League for the Fifth International, an organisation fighting to build a new world party of socialist revolution.

Class struggle militants and internationalists—join the fight for workers’ power today!

Join Workers Power

If you agree with what you’ve read—get in touch to join Workers Power.

Our members are activists who fight for a revolutionary strategy and leadership in the class struggle — from building rank and file organisation in the unions, fighting for workers’ action in solidarity with Palestine, or building mass and militant opposition to the far right.

Membership is based on acceptance of our programme, payment of a regular financial contribution, and participation in the work of the organisation.

Fill out the form below, and help us fight for a revolutionary solution to the crisis of capitalism.

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