Climate change

Will GB Energy have the power to tackle climate change?

Labour's energy plan amounts to little more than state subsidies for big energy companies

Workers Power  ·  08 June 2024

Resist the Tories’ carnival of reaction

It’s time for them to go.

George Banks  ·  13 October 2023

Climate change and the socialist alternative

Capitalism destroys the environment

Alex Rutherford  ·  02 September 2023

The problem with ‘Just Stop Oil’

4 July 2023 was the hottest day since records began, since then wildfires and extreme heat has scorched several countries around the world.

Alex Rutherford  ·  27 July 2023

Lützerath is destroyed—we are not

By Lars Keller WITH BRUTE force, the state and RWE have created facts on the ground, storming, clearing and demolishing Lützerath within a week. Hundreds of activists were evicted from tree houses and squats. 35,000 climate activists came out over the weekend and shouted “Lützi stays!” Many wrestled with the police in the mud and […]

Workers Power  ·  20 January 2023

Latest UN climate reports show need for socialist solutions

Official reports chart the complete failure of attempts to solve the climate crisis and serve as a reminder of the urgent need for socialist solutions.

Alex Rutherford  ·  02 November 2022

How imperialism hinders Pakistan flood relief

The flooding in Pakistan is not simply a 'natural' disaster.

Workers Power  ·  05 October 2022

Climate change: Unnatural disaster in Pakistan

Pakistani capitalism has colluded with the imperialists to condemn the poorest to bear the brunt of the devastation.

Leigh Nin  ·  13 September 2022

Somalia: Millions marching to starvation

Somalia, Ethiopia and northern Kenya are facing severe famine.

Dave Stockton  ·  12 September 2022

There is an international crisis and we need an international struggle against it

Editorial September 2022, No. 396

Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 September 2022

Tories put profit before climate

The Energy Security Strategy has been met with widespread criticism.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  01 May 2022

Revolutionise the Climate movement

By Rebecca Anderson THE COP26 climate conference of world leaders, meeting this month in Glasgow, has been billed as the ‘last best chance to get runaway climate change under control’. Each government will bring forward national climate plans under the 2015 Paris Agreement to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Yet even before COP26 […]

Rebecca Anderson  ·  27 October 2021

We need system change to stop climate change

By Chris Clough The world’s eyes will be fixed on the COP26 governmental conference on climate change in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November. But in truth little will be ‘negotiated’ there as most, if not all the fundamental points have been agreed in advance. And it is clear that the ‘big players’ – the […]

Chris Clough  ·  09 October 2021

COP26 won’t avert climate catastrophe

Only a rapid and radical economic transformation can save us from climate disaster.

Chris Clough  ·  07 October 2021

We need a revolution to stop the climate crisis

We need to campaign between now and the COP26 to build a movement to stop climate catastrophe.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  27 August 2021

Join the COP26 climate protests

The government is actively undermining its own climate targets.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  11 July 2021

Free Steven Donziger! Justice for the ‘Amazon Chernobyl’

Corrupt US courts system moves to prevent an oil giant from being held accountable for its crimes.

Rob Schofield  ·  05 June 2021

Greenwashing: fast fashion can never be sustainable!

H&M's 'Conscious' range is a distraction from the irreversible damage fast fashion is doing to the planet.

Millie Collins  ·  05 June 2021

From mines to oil wells, Brexit is a environmental disaster

New environmental regulation prioritises the economy.

Workers Power  ·  13 April 2021

Biden, the Climate Crisis and the Paris Agreement

Capitalism and climate change.

Tim Nailsea  ·  24 January 2021

Planet in flames: Capitalism’s climate crisis

2020 set new records for global heating. Is there an alternative?

Rebecca Anderson  ·  16 November 2020

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