Jeremy Corbyn

What now after the election?

Only by gathering the forces of working class opposition to Labour and directing them in a united front against the government can we begin to build a party that can not only resist the coming attacks on our class, but destroy capitalism and the imperialist system that stand behind Starmer and Reeves.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  26 July 2024

What attitude should socialists take to independent candidates?

Independent candidates should use their campaigns to organise a working class movement to press our demands on the next government

Workers Power  ·  05 June 2024

AWL blames Stalinism for Corbyn defeat

Urte March reviews Corbynism: What Went Wrong by Martin Thomas (AWL)

Urte March  ·  02 November 2021

Labour party conference 2021: Locking the Left out for good?

Editorial October 2021, No. 387

Dave Stockton  ·  01 October 2021

Zionism’s influence in the UK

Why Starmer said “I support Zionism without qualification”.

George Banks  ·  31 January 2021

Motion (TU branches): Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn

A motion for use in trade unions opposing Keir Starmer's suspension of Jeremy Corbyn

Workers Power  ·  13 November 2020

Bristol West stands with Jeremy Corbyn

Bristol West CLP demands Corbyn is reinstated.

Tim Nailsea  ·  10 November 2020

Health vs the economy: what’s the best way out of the pandemic?

For a zero-covid strategy.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  08 November 2020

Motion (CLPs): Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn

A motion for use in Labour Parties, opposing Keir Starmer's suspension of Jeremy Corbyn

Workers Power  ·  30 October 2020

Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn – defiance not compliance!

The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn is an attack against the socialist left which must be opposed

Workers Power  ·  30 October 2020

Labour Disconnected: Starmer’s strategy of non-opposition

Resist the return to Blairism.

KD Tait  ·  20 October 2020

Overseas Operations Bill: Starmer’s march to the right hits double-time

Labour abstains on bill that decriminalises torture.

Joe Crathorne  ·  26 September 2020

Socialist Campaign Group rally thousands – but give no direction

A report of the Socialist Campaign Groups rally.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  23 September 2020

From Allende to Corbyn: lessons in reformism 1970-2020

Lessons from the parliamentary road.

Tim Nailsea  ·  11 September 2020

United Left Divided

The divide in Unite's dominant faction deepens.

Tim Nailsea  ·  23 August 2020

Is the Party Over?

A disorderly retreat... or stay and fight?

Tim Nailsea  ·  05 July 2020

The Labour left after Corbyn: A chance to break with strategy of compromise

Two successive election defeats have opened a debate about the balance sheet of the Corbyn project, the objectives of the Labour left, and what role Momentum should play in the struggles to come.

Urte March  ·  27 April 2020

Keir Starmer’s election: the end of the Corbyn revolution

THE ELECTION OF Keir Starmer as Labour leader, with 56.2% of the vote, represents a clear victory for the right in the party. Neither the fact that some on the left were seduced into voting for Starmer, nor that Rebecca Long-Bailey got 27.6% of the vote, can disguise this. Starmer himself dispelled any doubts by […]

Workers Power  ·  15 April 2020

Immigration and the Trade Unions

The recent election of a Conservative government, with one of the most openly racist Prime Ministers and Cabinet in living memory, the victory of an openly xenophobic and anti-immigrant Leave campaign in the 2016 referendum, and the rise of racist and xenophobic movements in Britain and throughout the world, have all raised questions as to how the working class movement should respond to what appears to be growing support within the working class for restrictions on immigration

Tim Nailsea  ·  31 March 2020

Johnson’s victory, Corbyn’s defeat, and the battles to come

A DECADE OF political crisis, the last half of which saw three general elections, two referendums, and three Tory prime ministers, has ended with Boris Johnson in Number Ten. A long time Telegraph journalist where he retailed “politically incorrect” i.e. the sexist, racist, homophobic, “jokes” that pass for wit amongst his party’s rank and file, […]

Dave Stockton  ·  22 January 2020

A failure of strategy

LABOUR’S SHATTERING DEFEAT at the hands of Boris Johnson is a bitter day for millions of class conscious workers and most young people. Their hopes of reversing the ravages of austerity, of seriously addressing climate change, of breaking the shackles on the unions, have been cruelly dashed. Armed with a huge Commons majority, with a […]

Workers Power  ·  13 December 2019

Class struggle bulletin

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