Health and social care

Healthworkers – fight to make Labour pay up

Health workers should organise to meet a Labour government with a united front

Workers Power  ·  27 June 2024

How can the health strikes win?

An unprecedented seven days of strike action over 16 days by consultants and junior doctors.

KD Tait  ·  15 October 2023

Health bulletin: Defy the anti-union laws

Health bulletin for 1 May 2023

Workers Power  ·  01 May 2023

Nurses: defy strike ban and organise for a real pay rise!

The fight goes on, but only rank and file control can overcome obstacles

KD Tait  ·  29 April 2023

Nurses: what now after the ‘No’ vote?

AS WE go to press NHS managers and Health Minster Steve Barclay are dragging the largest NHS union, the Royal College of Nursing, before the High Court in a bid by to block nurses’ strike action due to start on the May Day weekend. They claimed that the strike mandate would be invalid from midnight […]

KD Tait  ·  27 April 2023

Health bulletin: Vote no to pay cuts!

Health bulletin for 29 March 2023

Workers Power  ·  29 March 2023

Health bulletin: Victory to the nurses – defend the NHS

Health bulletin for 14 December 2022

Workers Power  ·  14 December 2022

Health and Care Bill means NHS privatisation

Day of action on 26 Feb.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  09 February 2022

Transgender healthcare discrimination – the only solution is workers control

Since the start of the pandemic, trans people have been left in limbo by the NHS, with devastating effects on their physical and mental health.

Alex Rutherford  ·  09 December 2021

Unions must unite healthworkers’ pay claim

Healthworkers are being balloted over the government's insulting 3% pay offer

Rebecca Anderson  ·  27 August 2021

Health workers can lead public sector revolt on pay

Government offers "insulting" 3%.

Dave Stockton  ·  31 July 2021

Alabama bill threatens trans youth

Alabama denies vital healthcare to trans youth

Millie Collins  ·  11 March 2021

The pandemic in Palestine

Israeli discrimination in vaccine distribution

Dave Brody  ·  24 January 2021

Imperialist countries’ hoarding of vaccine risks prolonging the pandemic

Wealthiest countries hoarding vaccines.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  24 January 2021

Fight for workers’ control of the lockdown

The teachers' initiative is a model for workers to follow

KD Tait  ·  05 January 2021

Covid-19, Conspiracy Theories and Workers’ Resistance

Why do some people defy the public safety measures?

Tim Nailsea  ·  04 January 2021

Mental health crisis deepens

Class, oppression and mental health under lockdown.

Dave Brody  ·  14 November 2020

Shut down schools and colleges now

We need to prepare to take action.

A Unison Steward  ·  10 November 2020

“Operation Moonshot” is about private profit not public health

The Tories are using the pandemic to oursource to the private sector

Rebecca Anderson  ·  21 September 2020

The hypocrisy of the “rule of six”

Protecting the rights of capitalists at the cost of workers' lives

Dave Brody  ·  21 September 2020

Social unrest in post-lockdown India

Privatisation, unemployment and industrial unrest.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  08 September 2020

Class struggle bulletin

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