The main parties have seen off challenges from left and right, for now
Northern Ireland's sectarian culture has proven fertile ground for the spread of racist bigotry towards Muslims
The recent riot in Dublin dramatically shone a new light on the activities of Ireland’s emerging far right.
When a video of two women paraded naked by a mob in the Indian state of Manipur went viral in July, it shone a light on the crimes of Modi’s India.
The GFA promised much but delivered little—except a breathing space for British imperialism
UK-EU deal sidelines reveals decorative nature of Northern Ireland Assembly
Hindu nationalism is promoting anti-Muslim hatred
The 1972 dock strike has important lessons for today as we enter a new period of industrial struggle
By Bernie McAdam IN RESPONSE to threats over pay, compulsory redundancies and safety, RMT rail workers have voted in favour of strike action across Network Rail and 13 other train companies in the biggest endorsement of strike action since privatisation. Only at GTR did the vote for action fall short. RMT balloted over 40,000 members, […]
Sinn Fein victory runs into Unionist veto
Forty years ago, Margaret Thatcher’s Tory government fought an undeclared war against Argentina for control of the Malvinas.
P&O Ferries have brutally sacked 800 workers without notice and replaced them with scab crews on less than the minimum wage.
Cuts to London transport funding are a political attack on Labour and the unions
TfL is facing a £2 billion shortfall.
On 30 January 1972, Bloody Sunday, the British Parachute Regiment shot dead 13 unarmed civil rights protesters in Derry and wounded 15 others.
Dublin Bus workers have soundly rejected a deal recommended by union leaders
The pandemic has exposed that the NHS is not so much at breaking point, but beyond it.
For a workers' republic of Ireland.
Holiday park's anti Traveller racism exposed.
Bernie McAdam reviews Common History, Common Struggle by Peter Hadden.
India has been rocked by a series of massive anti-government protests during the pandemic
100 year anniversary.
From organising the unemployed to the Great Strike.
Coronavirus is demonstrating the essential basis upon which our society exists: the working class and the necessity of labour. Workers and their unions must take the lead and control this lockdown.
ON 18 DECEMBER over 20,000 Northern Ireland health workers from four unions, RCN, Unison, NIPSA and Unite were involved in strike action in pursuit of pay parity and improved staffing levels. This was the first strike ever mounted by the Royal College of Nursing. In the new year this was followed up with further strikes […]
The Brexit campaign has been directly responsible for a huge spike in national chauvinism and racist violence. To deny or minimise this, as some on the left do, is to completely ignore the impact of reactionary arguments like “needing to take control of our borders”, “stopping free movement from the EU” and “restoring national sovereignty” that have dominated the Brexit agenda. There is no progressive dynamic here but a reactionary harking back to Britain’s imperial past and accepting the myth that migrants are to blame for economic woes.
Brexit will have enormous political and economic ramifications on both Northern Ireland and the Republic. Since the EU referendum, for example, Irish food and drink exports to the UK have fallen by €570 million, according to the Republic of Ireland’s Bord Bia. Food and drink account for 41% of Ireland’s exports to the UK, while […]
RAIL UNION Aslef has announced that 87 per cent of its drivers at Southern Rail voted to strike. These strikes will take place in December and January, alongside an immediate and indefinite overtime ban. This is in addition to RMT strikes, on different dates, as guards continue their industrial action. Both unions are protesting the […]
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS at the Crossrail site in Tottenham Court Road took two days of unofficial strike action on 30 November and 1 December to defend Unite steward Terry Wilson. Employers Laing O’Rourke insisted Terry be transferred to another job while refusing to recognise him as a union negotiator. A further protest on 2 December was […]
By Bernie McAdam JOHN MCDONNELL speaking at a fringe meeting at the Trade Union Congress in Brighton said of the coup launched in June against Jeremy Corbyn that “This is about the Establishment saying to you: how dare you elect a socialist as the leader of the Labour Party.” and adding “And it isn’t just […]