Articles  •  Britain

Leeds workers sit-in against victimisation

18 November 2013

Postal workers in Seacroft delivery office in Leeds staged a canteen sit-in this Saturday after a driver was wrongly suspended for an accident.
They were joined by the workers from the York Road delivery office sited in the same building in a show of solidarity.Royal Mail managers at first refused to reverse their decision but after an hour of trying to get staff back to work were forced to admit they had got it wrong and lifted the suspension – a victory.
According to workers in the office they feel it is part of a whole series of speed-ups and cuts as part of budget savings pushed by managers since privatisation went through a month ago.
This shows unofficial action can knock back attacks like the suspension immediately where “following the rules” and procedure wouldn’t work.
That’s the spirit needed to win the national dispute: rank and file action instead of relying on the officials and delays, doing what it takes to win-  including breaking the anti-union laws.

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