USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Obituary: Mikhail Gorbachev, 1932–2022

In death, as in life, the role and significance of Mikhail Gorbachev, who died on August 30 and was buried on September 3, remains disputed.

Peter Main  ·  13 September 2022

The Young Communist League and the rehabilitation of Joseph Stalin

Amid growing tensions between the CPB and the YCL, Tim Nailsea explains the nature of Stalinist politics.

Tim Nailsea  ·  20 November 2021

Prague 1968: Revolution and counter-revolution

By Dave Stockton THE YEAR 1968 was one of history’s “mad years” like 1848, 1917-18, 1989 and, most recently, 2011. It was a time when the eruption of revolts in one country quickly stimulated upheavals in others. The spread of international revolutionary upheavals seemed to offer the prospect of a dramatic thawing of the permafrost […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2018

Twenty years since the death of the USSR

Dave Stockton looks back at the aborted coup in the USSR and the counter-coup by Boris Yeltsin

Workers Power  ·  31 August 2011

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