
Defend the Palestine solidarity movement at LSE

Palestinians and their supporters in Britain are facing a new offensive following Tzipi Hotovely's visit to the London School of Economics.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  10 December 2021

Stop the attack on the BDS campaign

The Tories are pressing ahead with plans to ban the BDS campaign in public institutions

Marcel Rajecky  ·  27 August 2021

Red Flag & AWL debate Israel-Palestine: one state or two?

Red Flag's opening statement.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  03 June 2021

Political bulletin: For a workers’ boycott of Israel

Political bulletin for 22 May

Workers Power  ·  22 May 2021

Interview: Why we shut down Elbit in Oldham

Interview with an Israeli activist involved in Palestine Action

Workers Power  ·  19 May 2021

End UK support for Zionist state

We must make it impossible for our governments to continue propping up this apartheid regime.

Dilara Lorin  ·  16 May 2021

Zionism’s influence in the UK

Why Starmer said “I support Zionism without qualification”.

George Banks  ·  31 January 2021

The pandemic in Palestine

Israeli discrimination in vaccine distribution

Dave Brody  ·  24 January 2021

European Court of Human Rights rules Israel boycotts are freedom of expression

Boycott, divestment and sanctions

Joe Crathorne  ·  24 January 2021

Expiring Trump Administration declares Israeli land grabs “legal”

Mike Pompeo gives the green light to Israeli settlements.

Dave Stockton  ·  24 November 2020

Israel’s annexation policy: For the socialist one-state solution!

Annexation and the struggle for Palestinain liberation

Workers Power  ·  15 July 2020

The ‘Deal of the century’ means the annexation of Palestine

Donald Trump's 'deal' is a flagrant breach of international law and the national rights of the Palestinians

Marcel Rajecky  ·  01 March 2020

Smear campaign against Labour will only disarm us in the fight against real antisemitism

As the general election race heads into final straight, the campaign to paint Labour as an antisemitic party has recommenced. Writing in The Times, the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis added his voice to the attack, arguing that Corbyn had sanctioned antisemitism in the party. In characteristically vague language, Rabbi Mirvis stated that Labour’s alleged antisemitism could not be fixed with new staff or processes, and that it was a “human problem”, and a “failure of culture”. He said Corbyn associated with antisemites, and considered “those who endorse the murder of Jews” as friends.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  01 December 2019

Palestine: Trump’s gift sounds death knell for two-state solution

The US government has declared that it will no longer consider the Israeli settlements on the West Bank to be a violation of international law. No other government in the world, except the government of Israel itself, has ever recognised the settlements as lawful. The US administration did not hesitate over its one reason: “We […]

Robert Teller  ·  28 November 2019

Israeli election shatters illusion of two-state solution

Benjamin Netanyahu called the 17 September Knesset election in the hope that it would give him the majority he needed to create a new coalition and remain prime minister. He was not motivated simply by the desire to hang on to power but because as PM he would be immune from facing serious court charges […]

Robert Teller  ·  07 October 2019

How democratic is Corbyn’s Labour?

THANKS TO NEIL KINNOCK’S counterrevolution against the democratic reforms of the late 1970s and early 1980s, and Blair’s in the 1990s and 2000s, Jeremy Corbyn and his team inherited a Labour Party in which the leadership could prevent the membership from either determining party policy or who should represent them in parliament.

Workers Power  ·  06 September 2019

Reinstate Chris Williamson

Whatever our criticisms of Chris Williamson's politics, his statement that the Labour Party had not been robust in rebutting charges that antisemitism was rife in the party, is fair comment.

Workers Power  ·  07 August 2019

Israel: Netanyahu’s victory paves the way for annexation

Every dimension of this election revealed how the rightward, violently chauvinist political realignment in Israeli politics over the last decade has hardened to become the new centre ground.

Workers Power  ·  04 May 2019

Solidarity with Leeds University Palestine activists against Fabian Hamilton’s anti-Semitism smear

Red Flag condemns Fabian Hamilton's smears and stands in solidarity with Palestine solidarity activists during Israel Apartheid Week

Workers Power  ·  20 March 2019

Labour NEC capitulates to Zionist smear campaign

By KD Tait THE Labour Party NEC’s decision to adopt all 11 unofficial examples attached to the IHRA definition of antisemitism represents a serious retreat from solidarity with the Palestinians and a victory for anti-socialist forces inside and outside the party who are determined to prevent the election of a leftwing Labour government. In capitulating […]

Workers Power  ·  06 September 2018

Labour witch-hunt is undermining the fight against antisemitism

By KD Tait KEN LIVINGSTONE has resigned from the Labour Party, days before a formal disciplinary process was due to start, the outcome of which had become a foregone conclusion after “Baroness”  Shami Chakrabarti spoke out in favour of his expulsion, signalling that the leadership had definitively turned against him.  In making those comments, Chakrabarti […]

Workers Power  ·  18 June 2018

Class struggle bulletin

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