
China: end of zero covid?

Growing divisions in the party have forced a change of tack.

Peter Main  ·  18 December 2022

Freedom convoys: the far-right roadshow

The anti-vax movement took a new turn early this year with the launch of the freedom convoy.

Andy Yorke  ·  20 March 2022

We can live with an endemic Covid-19, but we don’t have to

By Reginald Banks Omicron is just the latest in a long list of variants to devastate the world and is by no means necessarily the last one. First discovered in South Africa, it became the dominant strain around the world with lightning speed. Daily cases in the UK reached a new peak of 160,000 a […]

George Banks  ·  07 February 2022

Here’s to 2022 – for a revolutionary new year

Editorial December-January 2021-22, No. 389

Workers Power  ·  31 December 2021

Omicron: Boris Johnson is choosing profits over public health, again

By Dave Stockton Britain is experiencing yet another damaging outburst of coronavirus, this time the Omicron variant. Once again, leaving aside its apparent origin in South Africa, the UK is already leading the way in the speed of transmission. As a result France and Germany have imposed restrictions on travellers from the UK. Omicron cases […]

Dave Stockton  ·  20 December 2021

The return of Covid – public health before private wealth!

Omicron and vaccine mismanagement push pandemic into third year

George Banks  ·  08 December 2021

Workers Expected to Pay for Worst Economic Crisis since 2008

By Tim Nailsea BRITAIN’S ECONOMIC growth has almost stalled because of shortages of labour in parts of industry and of material inputs, due to disruptions in the supply chain, coupled with the effects of Brexit. GDP grew by 0.4% in August but is still 0.8% below where it was in February 2020, before the country […]

Tim Nailsea  ·  25 October 2021

Italy: fascists direct covid anger against trade unions

By KD Tait ON SATURDAY 16 October tens of thousands attended an anti-fascist demonstration in Rome, called by the CGIL trade union, in response to a fascist attack on the union’s headquarters the previous week. On 9 October thousands of people had attended a protest against the Green Pass, a covid passport which provides proof […]

KD Tait  ·  25 October 2021

Sleepwalking into Plan B?

Editorial November 2021, No. 388

Workers Power  ·  24 October 2021

Furlough end threatens 1 million jobs

Mass unemployment and the scourge of long-term joblessness have returned.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  27 August 2021

Bosses blame ‘pingdemic’ for market failures

Brexit and pandemic-induced shortages fuel demands for action on pay and conditions

Tim Nailsea  ·  27 August 2021

Stop the third wave: no trade-off between lives and livelihoods

Coronavirus cases are surging once again.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  12 June 2021

India: vaccine free market let virus spread

The world's largest vaccine manufacturer is in India.

Minerwa Tahir  ·  05 June 2021

Only Brazil’s working class can solve the health, political and economic crises

3,000 deaths per day.

Alex Rutherford  ·  10 April 2021

The fight for safe re-opening of schools goes on

A brief respite is being eroded by the government's failure to adequately fund safe schools

A Unison Steward  ·  16 February 2021

100,000 deaths and a year of government failures

We need a Zero Covid strategy

Peter Main  ·  09 February 2021

Bangladesh: Pandemic wreaks havoc on hyper-exploited garment workers

Thousands of Bangladeshi garment workers have lost their jobs.

Mel Astbury  ·  07 February 2021

The pandemic in Palestine

Israeli discrimination in vaccine distribution

Dave Brody  ·  24 January 2021

Imperialist countries’ hoarding of vaccine risks prolonging the pandemic

Wealthiest countries hoarding vaccines.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  24 January 2021

Fight for workers’ control of the lockdown

The teachers' initiative is a model for workers to follow

KD Tait  ·  05 January 2021

Covid-19, Conspiracy Theories and Workers’ Resistance

Why do some people defy the public safety measures?

Tim Nailsea  ·  04 January 2021

School closures can develop into fight for workers’ control of education

By KD Tait Following a mass online briefing attended by tens of thousands of education workers at the weekend, trade unionists are taking action to prevent the unsafe reopening of schools. This action is now essential because the government’s insistence on keeping schools open was a major contributory factor to the spread of a more […]

KD Tait  ·  04 January 2021

Stop schools, colleges, universities spreading disease and death

By Jeremy Dewar Novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-19 continues to test the world’s governments. None more than Boris Johnson’s Tory administration, it seems, with the recent discovery of a new strain, variant B117 in the south-east of Britain, which is proving to be 56% more infectious than previous iterations of the virus. Not only is this variant […]

Jeremy Dewar  ·  30 December 2020

Zero Covid: A workers’ programme

By Peter Main The recent launch of the Zero Covid campaign brings a welcome breath of fresh air and sanity to the public debate on dealing with the pandemic. For all their talk of “following the science” and “balancing health and wealth”, Boris Johnson and his cabinet have ignored clear lessons from the rest of […]

Workers Power  ·  10 December 2020

The Q conundrum

Crisis and conspiracy.

Mel Astbury  ·  15 November 2020

Mental health crisis deepens

Class, oppression and mental health under lockdown.

Dave Brody  ·  14 November 2020

Brexit talks hang in the balance

Deal or no deal, the working class loses.

Tim Nailsea  ·  13 November 2020

Domestic violence: The shadow pandemic

More must be done for those needing to escape abuse.

Mel Astbury  ·  13 November 2020

Students strike against university management

Manchester students have occupied a university building.

Joe Crathorne  ·  12 November 2020

Shut down schools and colleges now

We need to prepare to take action.

A Unison Steward  ·  10 November 2020

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