Strikes and industrial action

Northern Ireland: escalate public sector strike

By Bernie McAdam OVER 150,000 public sector workers went on strike on Thursday 18 January in the biggest strike action the ‘Northern Ireland’ state has ever seen. Workers from 16 trade unions involving public transport, education, health and the civil service walked out for the day over an outstanding pay award. A near General Strike […]

Workers Power  ·  02 February 2024

Tesla strike in Sweden: Organise for victory and control of the unions

Tesla is on the defensive in Sweden in the face of this union show of power.

Workers Power  ·  17 January 2024

St Mungo’s: Lessons for all rank and file activists

Over 800 workers at the homeless charity St Mungo’s have voted to end their three-month all out strike.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  15 September 2023

Workers Summit: The SWP, the rank & file and the revolutionary party

Under pressure from rank and file activity most of the revolutionary socialist groups turned left, workers power argues now is the time to unite all who want to develop a rank and file strategy.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  14 September 2023

After the strike wave, what next for the rank and file?

The 2022-2023 strike wave, despite its impressive size, failed to achieve what was possible for workers. George Banks argues the rank and file needs organisation and unity.

George Banks  ·  14 September 2023

Inflation, debt and troublemakers at work…

Editorial July-August 2023, No.405

Workers Power  ·  13 July 2023

Workers In Action — July-August 2023

Industrial disputes round-up

Workers Power  ·  06 July 2023

St Mungo’s Unite extends strike to all-out

800 striking workers at St Mungo’s homelessness charity have escalated to indefinite action, Jeremy Dewar reports.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  20 June 2023

Sellouts show rank and file must take the lead

Industrial bulletin for 10 June 2023

Workers Power  ·  10 June 2023

Royal Mail: Restore the strikes!

Royal Mail bulletin for 9 June

A CWU Rep  ·  09 June 2023

Local government: vote yes and organise to strike!

Over half a million council and school employees are currently balloting for strike action to win a real pay rise. If successful, this would be the biggest strike yet in the wave of action over the cost of living crisis. But the task is huge.

Workers Power  ·  04 June 2023

For a rank and file movement in the CWU

The CWU leadership are running scared of their own members. Workers Power argues for a rank and file movement

Workers Power  ·  04 June 2023

Bureaucrats behaving badly

The TUC has fined the NEU £153,000, bang in the middle of their strike campaign.

Workers Power  ·  04 June 2023

With dodgy deals looming, the rank and file must organise to seize control of the unions

Editorial June 2023, No. 404

Workers Power  ·  03 June 2023

Royal Mail: Build the No Vote campaign

Rank and file workers should use the campaign to get organised.

A CWU Rep  ·  13 May 2023

Teachers: protest strikes won’t win real pay rise

More strikes announced, but union leaders preparing to settle for pay cut

KD Tait  ·  27 April 2023

Health bulletin: Vote no to pay cuts!

Health bulletin for 29 March 2023

Workers Power  ·  29 March 2023

Victory means rank and file organisation

Editorial February 2023, No. 400

Workers Power  ·  07 February 2023

NHS strikes: organise to win

IN A historic first, nurses in the RCN union, pushed to breaking point, have joined the strike wave against the cost of living crisis. And despite media attempts to probe for public disapproval, they have massive support. A million patients are treated in the NHS every 36 minutes, and they are overwhelmingly grateful to and […]

Andy Yorke  ·  07 February 2023

All out on 1 February!

Industrial bulletin for 1 February 2023

Workers Power  ·  18 January 2023

Victory to the nurses – defend the NHS

Health bulletin for 14 December 2022

Workers Power  ·  14 December 2022

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