Red Flag issue 16

Soviet Avant Garde: Boris Arvatov’s Art & Production

A review of Boris Arvatov's Art and Production, published for the first time in English by Pluto Press

Workers Power  ·  02 November 2017

Red October: The working class takes power

IN THE February Revolution of 1917, the workers and soldiers of Petrograd rose in spontaneous revolt against the hardships caused by two and a half years of war. Civilians were verging on starvation, while those fighting suffered horrendous losses – 1.5 million had been killed, five million wounded, with millions more taken prisoner. Demonstrations by […]

Workers Power  ·  01 November 2017

Royal Mail wins strike ban injunction

By A CWU Rep ROYAL MAIL bosses using the courts to get our strike declared “unlawful” and force us into “mediation” is a dishonest delaying tactic designed to break the momentum of our massive 89 per cent vote for strike action. Their cheek is unbelievable. They blanked the union through 18 months of talks, forcing […]

Workers Power  ·  01 November 2017

Labour secures pause in Universal Credit rollout

ON 18 OCTOBER, Labour unanimously won a symbolic opposition day vote calling for a pause in the introduction of Universal Credit. The motion was non-binding but the result is a fresh sign of the government’s vulnerability, with Tory mps ordered to abstain from the vote. Earlier that day, facing growing disquiet from her own backbenchers, […]

Workers Power  ·  01 November 2017

Labour claims the new political centre ground

LABOUR’S BRIGHTON conference was a confirmation that, thanks to a general election in which Labour saw a net gain of 31 seats and the Tories lost their overall majority, Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the party is now unchallenged. This should not have been surprising in a party where electoral success comes first, second, and third […]

Workers Power  ·  01 November 2017

Catalan nationalists collapse with a whimper

After the nationalist debacle, it's time for working class unity to fight for a socialist and democratic alternative

Workers Power  ·  31 October 2017

Internationalism: Labour’s missing link

Labour’s subservience to imperialism is the price it pays for ruling the capitalists' system

Workers Power  ·  29 October 2017

Ireland: Abortion Rights Campaign secures referendum on Eighth Amendment

Escalate the struggle for safe, legal and free access to abortion for women across Ireland and the Six Counties. 

Workers Power  ·  27 October 2017

China: Xi Jinping’s ‘New Era’

China's president used the party's 19th Congress to set out the country's bid for global pre-eminance

Workers Power  ·  26 October 2017

Labour of Love: a marriage of convenience

Audiences will wish a little more love had gone into James Graham's laboured production

Workers Power  ·  25 October 2017

Academy collapses: students, parents and teachers among the debris

Wakefield City Academies Trust has announced that it is pulling out of 21 schools, throwing the academic lives of thousands of children across Yorkshire into limbo.

Rob Schofield  ·  24 October 2017

Tories learn Brexit can’t please everyone

Learning the hard way

Workers Power  ·  21 October 2017

Labour conference rejects vote on Brexit policy

It's not undemocratic to oppose Brexit

Workers Power  ·  20 October 2017

Detroit ’67: a study in terror and tension

Review of Kathryn Bigelow's recreation of one night at the Algiers Motel in 1967

Workers Power  ·  19 October 2017

Reinstate Moshé Machover

The noted socialist and Anti-Zionist writer has been purged by the Labour Party

Workers Power  ·  12 October 2017

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