
Rise up for Gaza – for a Third Intifada

More than 870 Palestinians have been killed since Israel began its wholesale bombing of Gaza on 8 July. 80 per cent of them are non-combatants, including a large number of children. Israel’s most recent atrocity killing at least 15 people and wounding 200 others in the Ashraf al-Qidra school on Thursday shocked the world but […]

Workers Power  ·  27 July 2014

Defend Gaza – stop Israel's offensive

As we publish this article, the death toll amongst the population of Gaza has passed the 100 mark and Israel has warned the population of Beit Lahia, Beit Hanoun, and Absan al-Saghira to evacuate their townships and move to the west or south of the Gaza strip. This is a threat of imminent invasion. 40,000 […]

Workers Power  ·  12 July 2014

The Palestinian struggle in Syria: an interview

A member of the League for the Fifth International’s German section interviewed Thaer, a resident of Yarmouk, Syria’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, located in Damascus. He escaped the camp, currently besieged by the Assad regime’s forces, in December 2012. LFI: How is life in Yarmouk going now? Thaer: There are 125,000 residents in Yarmouk, and […]

Workers Power  ·  14 May 2013

Syria: Legitimacy and Division

As the rival imperialist powers manoeuvre to gain an advantage from the mass uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship, Marcus Halaby examines the regime’s strategy and tactics as it struggles, if not for outright victory, then at least to cling on to some vestiges of its power. One of the historic claims to legitimacy of Ba’athism, […]

Workers Power  ·  14 August 2012

Joana Ramiro: Palestine is key to the Arab revolutions

Joana Ramiro will be speaking at Anticapitalism 2011 on the struggle for the liberation of Palestine The story of the Palestinian struggle is written in blood in the history books. From the British Mandate to the Zionist State, Palestine is a land that was never its own, a people who still suffer national oppression to […]

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

Israel and USA promise to veto Palestinian statehood

Whilst most of the worlds population support the Palestinian bid at the UN for statehood, the US and Israel have threatened to stop recognition at all costs. Andy Yorke explains what is at stake

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

Protesters storm the Israeli embassy

Protests have mushroomed since Israel’s killing of five Egyptian soldiers in mid-August, when Israeli security forces breached Egyptian territory in pursuit of Islamist militants allegedly responsible for a series of attacks on Israeli civilians in Eilat. Popular anger at Israel’s actions and at its renewed bombardment of Gaza prompted mass demonstrations outside the Israeli embassy […]

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

Will the UN General Assembly recognise Palestinian statehood?

September will see a show down at the UN over the question of Palestinian statehood. This could have serious international ramifications, argues Simon Hardy

Workers Power  ·  31 August 2011

Israeli protest movement plans million-person march in September – but will it challenge the occupation?

Since mid-July “tent city” protests and weekly demonstrations have been shaking the state of Israel, writes Mark Booth. On the 24 July, 30,000 protested, then 150,000 people on the 30th and 300,000 on 6 August. Activists involved in the protests have called for a million-strong march on 3 September.

Workers Power  ·  10 August 2011

Will there be a third intifada?

In the wake of the Arab Spring, many Palestinian activists are discussing the possibility of a third intifada, by Kady Tait

Workers Power  ·  30 May 2011

National unity talks in Palestine

The Arab revolutions have pressured the Palestinian leaders in Fatah and Hamas to sign a unity treaty. Peter Main considers what this means for the Palestinian people. Read it here

Workers Power  ·  10 May 2011

Will Arab revolutions transform Palestine?

How will the emerging Arab revolutions affect the struggle of the Palestinian people? Will it help their long battle for national liberation? This question is on the minds of millions throughout the Middle East, where solidarity with the Palestinians remains a key component of popular aspirations. There is no sign yet that the revolutions will […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Leak exposes Fatah treason

Consistent opponents of Israel’s occupation have long argued that the “moderate” Palestinian leaders of Fatah are in reality collaborators with Israel. Nothing could have confirmed this more conclusively than the release by news agency Al Jazeera of documents exposing 10 years of futile “peace” negotiations. The picture that emerges is of weak and grovelling Palestinian […]

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2011

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