Fascism & antifascism

Ukraine: nationalist coup sparks imperialist tensions

The Ukrainian working class has no reason to regret the downfall of the corrupt Viktor Yanukovich or his ministers and police chiefs. His brutal repression on the 30 November of a peaceful occupation of Independence Square, using Berkut special forces, launched a movement which would eventually bring him down. Then, on February 20-21, police snipers […]

Workers Power  ·  27 February 2014

Vienna: 8,000 blockade Fascist celebrations

By Arbeiterinnnenstandpunkt, Austrian section of the League for the Fifth International Every year, the right wing Freedom Party in Austria organises a celebration for the members of the traditionalist, that is right wing, “student fraternities”. This is the “Academics’ Ball” at the prestigious Hofburg in Central Vienna. Over the years, it has become a focus for […]

Workers Power  ·  31 January 2014

Golden Dawn: can the Left seize the initiative?

To the surprise of many, the conservative Greek government has launched a crackdown on the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn. KD Tait looks at the reasons for this and what it means for the working class movement Six MPs and around 30 party activists, including Golden Dawn’s top leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos and his deputy, have been arrested […]

Workers Power  ·  09 October 2013

Defend the Tower Hamlets 286

By KD Tait On 7 September, the Metropolitan Police arrested 286 antifascists for venturing away from the police-determined route for a demonstration against the English Defence League in Tower Hamlets. The arrest and detention of the 286 represents a further attack on our already eroded right to protest, and indeed on our human rights. Lawyers […]

Workers Power  ·  09 October 2013

After Woolwich: self defence and working class unity against fascism

 By KD Tait With the killing of a soldier in Woolwich, the people of Britain were treated to a glimpse of the mundane brutality inflicted daily on the innocent civilians of Kabul and Baghdad. The violence of war is always barbaric. That is as true for the death of a soldier in London as it […]

Workers Power  ·  15 June 2013

Sheffield: the right and the wrong way to fight fascism

  KD Tait looks at how the recent antifascist mobilisations in Sheffield reveal the kind of antifascism we need – and the kind we don’t. 

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2013

EDL join forces with BNP splitters

The British Freedom Party and the English Defence League has announced a merger reports Dan Edwards THE FASCIST English Defence League (EDL) has joined forces with the British Freedom Party (BFP), a party headed by ex-UKIP member Paul Weston and mainly comprised of former BNP members who have jumped from Nick Griffin’s sinking ship. This is […]

Workers Power  ·  07 December 2011

Why state bans boomerang on us

WHY SHOULD revolutionaries be opposed to calling on the capitalist state to ban fascist marches?

Workers Power  ·  31 August 2011

Fascist EDL must be stopped

The EDL presence in Tower Hamlet on 3 September needs to confronted with a mass community mobilisation, writes Dan Edmonds

Workers Power  ·  31 August 2011

They shall not pass! All out to stop the EDL in Tower Hamlets, 3 September

The fascist English Defence League (EDL) is marching through Tower Hamlets on 3 September. Richard Brenner argues that we need to remember the lessons of Cable Street, when anti-fascists drove the far right off the streets of East London, and challenge the anti-Muslim lies they are feeding off. From all over Britain, enemies of racism […]

Workers Power  ·  03 August 2011

Daily Star backs fascist EDL

The Daily Star recently upped its campaign of bigotry and race-hate by giving support to the fascist English Defence League (EDL), writes Dan Edwards.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

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