2015 General election

Tories plan '100 day offensive' – working class needs to prepare defences

By Richard Brenner Britain now has a government determined to force through another huge programme of cuts (£18bn to welfare alone) and dig up cornerstones of the post-1945 welfare system: public health, education, housing. The Tories are likely to be in a hurry, and will take advantage of the ‘first 100 days’ to go on […]

Workers Power  ·  10 May 2015

Why not vote SNP?

By Peter Main All indicators point to a massive swing from Labour to the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) in the coming election. It is possible that the SNP could go from its present 6 seats to more than 40 and so hold the balance of power in a hung parliament. Because of widespread support for […]

Workers Power  ·  06 May 2015

What's the point of voting Labour?

Long before the delayed publication of its election manifesto, the Labour Party leadership made very clear what their real priorities in government would be. In a glossy pamphlet called ‘A Better Plan for Business’ they explained how a whole range of policies would be used to protect profits and reduce costs for employers. On taxation […]

Workers Power  ·  03 May 2015

Vote to kick out the Tories

The importance of the 2015 general election is not just that it will be close-run and that new or previously fringe parties are gaining ground. In fact the fracturing of support for all three main capitalist parties reflects something far more fundamental. Britain is at a crossroads. We can either travel further down the road […]

Workers Power  ·  05 April 2015

General Election 2015: the choice is simple

All the experts agree the 2015 general election is the most unpredictable for decades. New parties, like Ukip on the right and resurgent parties like the Scottish Nationalists and Greens on the left, could hold the two big parties to ransom as coalition partners. Sections of the left have welcomed the rise of the the […]

Workers Power  ·  30 March 2015

War of words

By Bernie McAdam 21 March, 2015 “Sex Lessons at Five Under Labour”, “Sick Benefits – 75% are Faking”, “Immigrant Baby Boom” “Immigrant and Scrounging”… and so it goes on. Disgusting as it is predictable, this is a sign of what to expect from the Tory dominated press, as the election campaign gathers pace. And we […]

Workers Power  ·  21 March 2015

Whose party is it anyway?

By Jeremy Dewar 9 March 2015 The latest figures for party funding in the run-up to the election are revealing. Tory and Labour incomes are fairly equal at £29 million and £26 million respectively in 2014. Looking more closely at the last quarter, when funding for all parties increased, in anticipation of the election campaign, […]

Workers Power  ·  09 March 2015

We can't afford another Tory government

By Jeremy Dewar, 10 February 2015 In May the Conservatives want to win the election to make even deeper cuts, which will take us back to the 1930s. We must stop them. Forget George Osborne’s claim that Britain could become the richest country in the world. Don’t be fooled by David Cameron’s desire to see […]

Workers Power  ·  10 February 2015

Election 2015 – a race to the bottom 

By Dave Stockton, 9 February 2015 Rampant inequality, falling real wages, the NHS in crisis, young people unemployed or condemned to crap jobs or piling up debt to get an education. These are the real results of governments, both Labour and the Tory led-coalition, trying to rescue capitalism from its historically long and severe crisis […]

Workers Power  ·  09 February 2015

What Labour and socialist candidates should be fighting for

Editorial, Workers Power No. 381, February 2015 It is a total diversion to call for a vote for capitalist parties like the SNP, or for the middle class Greens, who do not have any historical or organised links to the working class and do not even claim to represent it. We should criticise the pro-capitalist […]

Workers Power  ·  02 February 2015

Is UKIP a threat to Labour in 2015?

UKIP slashed a Labour majority from 5,971 in 2010 to 617 in Heywood and Middleton last month, setting the pundits claiming that UKIP could damage Labour’s vote at the general election. Could UKIP block a Labour majority in 2015? UKIP has made big gains since 2010, with a breakthrough in the May 2014 EU elections […]

Workers Power  ·  13 November 2014

Vote Labour – and build a socialist alternative

By Marcus Halaby As next year’s general election approaches, working class people across Britain will be thinking about who to vote for, or whether to vote at all. Labour’s abject failure to oppose austerity has allowed capitalist parties like the Scottish National Party and the middle class Greens to pose as a radical alternative to […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2014

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