Ignore Will and Kate, come to REVOLUTION Today 30/4/2011
All we seem to hear about on the TV these days is “Will and Kate”, “the Royal Wedding”, how it’s…
Why socialists should vote yes in the Alternative Vote referendum
The Alternative Vote (AV) system isn’t proportional, but it’s still an improvement on the rotten First Past the Post (FPTP)…
Which road? Reform or revolution
Rosa Luxemburg, 1871-1919 By Karen Petrie For more than three decades Marx and Engels argued…
March to save the NHS: Tuesday 17 May
Tuesday 17 May 5.30pm March from University College Hospital to Whitehall This is a crucial moment for the battle to…
Leeds anti-cuts convention challenges leaders to fight
Over 100 Leeds activists gathered on 9th April for the Anti-Cuts Convention, an event aimed at building and uniting the…
NUS conference 2011: the fight for students has just begun
Joana Pinto talks about her experience running for NUS Vice President position, NUS conference, and where students can take the…
Black Bloc: aesthetics won't beat the cuts
Luke Cooper argues that the “Black Bloc” tactic used on March 26 can’t stop the cuts in a reply to…
Justice for Smiley – Justice for all who have died in police custody!
The death of Smiley Culture while in police custody has struck a chord that has resonated deeply across south London…
Prison officers threaten strike over prison privatisation
G4S, formerly known as ‘Securicor’ has been awarded a contract to take over Birmingham Prison. The outsourcing security company has…
Northern Ireland: Omagh killing no way forward
The explosion that claimed the life of Omagh policeman Ronan Kerr does not further the struggle against British occupation in…
The credit crunch: a marxist analysis
What caused the credit crunch? Some said lenders got “too greedy”. Others blamed the regulators. Yet more denied it was…
Brixton riots 1981: the fight against racism
From the Workers Power archive – April 1981. Mark Hoskisson explains the causes of the Brixton riots, poverty, alienation and…
Editorial: we can beat the Tories!
Along with thousands of activists, all our readers will be striving to make the 26 March demonstration as big as…
Italy: women and workers march against Berlusconi
Hundreds of thousands of women took to the streets of 200 Italian cities on 13 February calling for “dignity” and…
Tower Hamlets workers throw their weight behind call for general strike
Teachers and council workers from Tower Hamlets called on their leaders to organise general strike action today in a mass…
Unions enter the battlefield: half a million surge onto London anti-cuts march
It was a long time coming, but yesterday London was crammed full of people for one of the largest demonstrations…
March 26 Demonstration Live Blog
Demonstration live blog
Stop the UN intervention in Libya
The UN decision to intervene in Libya was not a humanitarian measure to “protect civilians”. It was, first of all,…
Victory to the Libyan Revolution!
The rebellion against Gadaffi’s dictatorship deserves unconditional support and that is not altered by the UN decision. Those who oppose…
Smiley Culture dies in police custody
Demonstrate against police custody deaths, remember Smiley 16 April 2011, 12pm South Bank Gym, 124-130 Wandsworth Road (Vauxhall tube) SMILEY…
Royal Family: affront to democracy
THE FORTHCOMING marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton on 29 April is being paraded as a “feel good” moment…
Britain’s young jilted generation
SOME PEOPLE would have you believe that young people today are lazy and that they don’t care about education. Adverts…
Why socialists want troops out of Afghanistan
This October will be the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. It will probably not be celebrated anywhere in…
Will Arab revolutions transform Palestine?
How will the emerging Arab revolutions affect the struggle of the Palestinian people? Will it help their long battle for…
Next Chinese leader set to face workers’ rebellion
YOU MAY not have heard of him, but the man to watch in China is Xi Jinping. Two years ago he…
From tsunami to nuclear crisis and market chaos
AT 2:55PM on 13 March a 30 foot high Tsunami struck Japan, the waves crashing over flood barriers and in some…
Secrets and lies of nuclear power
MOST PEOPLE do not think nuclear power is a problem until something goes wrong – then the threat of radiation or…
Solidarity sweeps USA as workers dare to fight
The action of workers and young people in the US has been an inspiration. A series of mass protests, occupations…
Free Bradley Manning
UNTRIED AND unconvicted, 24-year-old US army private Bradley Manning has been imprisoned for almost 300 days, held in cruel, inhuman and…
Obama’s trail of broken promises
Barack Obama campaigned on a ticket of ‘hope and change’ but, in office, has radically short-changed his young, Black and…