What is a rank and file movement?
By Peter Main The call for a rank and file movement is not a proposal for a new organisation. Like…
Say YES to a general strike
After TUC agrees to consider a general strike, step up the pressure for real action, argues Dave Stockton By a…
Sparks fly at Crossrail
By Marcus Halaby London’s sparks have targeted rogue construction outfit BFK for some special treatment – flying pickets, direct action…
Unite and strike against the pay freeze
By Rebecca Anderson The government has tried to impose a 1 per cent pay cap on public sector workers after…
Let’s break the Coalition – before it breaks us
WHEN THE 2010 general election produced no outright winner, uncertainty gripped the markets: would a weak government push austerity hard enough?…
Why do we need four anti-cuts campaigns?
Rebecca Anderson picks apart the bizarre logic of Britain’s competing anti-cuts campaigns If we are to stop the cuts, beat privatisation and banish austerity…
Exam reforms are a con
‘Time to tackle the dumbing down’ is the new slogan of the Tory education ‘reforms’ which aim to make school…
The TUC's failures: right and left
When the Tories cobbled together the Con-Dem Coalition in May 2010, they were clear about how they were going to…
Europe against austerity
The continent is still deep in recession. Coordinated by Germany, France and the European Commission and Central Bank, savage austerity…
Troops out of Afghanistan
Marcus Halaby reports on the endgame in Afghanistan In late August the number of American troops killed in the war…
1926: How the TUC betrayed the General Strike
The 1926 General Strike is rich in lessons for today. Dave Stockton looks at how the ruling class prepared for…
Obama's broken promises
It seems like only yesterday that America faced the question of whether Barack Obama would be the country’s first black…
Say Yes to a General Strike on #Oct20!
The Trades Union Congress has agreed to consider the practicality of a general strike in response to the government’s austerity…
Sparks fly at Crossrail
London’s sparks have targeted rogue construction outfit BFK for some special treatment – flying pickets, direct action and brand contamination. The…
Ed Miliband shows why we need a new workers' party
This year’s Labour Party conference saw what has become an annual ritual: the Labour leader and his shadow chancellor trying…
Spain rises up against austerity
This autumn the epicentre of struggle against savage austerity has moved from Greece to Spain. KD Tait examines the potential…
Free abortion on demand
Joy Macready reports on the growing backlash against a women’s right to choose In September, a woman was jailed for…
Bust the bosses – not the unions
Protesters picketed the BFK (Bam-Ferrovial-Kiers) Leeds Arena construction site this morning, demanding the reinstatement of workers sacked for trade union…
WP No. 366 September 2012
WP366 pgs 01
Anti-cuts struggle escalates in Spain
By K Tait Hundreds of masked, black-clad police advancing, firing rubber bullets into the backs of fleeing protesters. In a…
One hundred workfare placements offered by union-busting company
By Rebecca Anderson 2 Sisters, a food-manufacturing company that has slowly been eating up the market over the course of…
Coalition of Resistance runs away from the General Strike
By Jeremy Dewar The Coalition of Resistance is the first of the four supposedly anticuts umbrella organisations to hold a…
Leeds TUC meeting to build for 20 October a success
Leeds Workers Power report The Leeds Trades Council organised a successful meeting tonight at the Civic Hall in the city…
Say YES to a General Strike!
After TUC motion agrees to ‘consider’ general strike, step up the pressure for real action By a sizeable majority,…
Victory to the Syrian Revolution!
As we go to press news is breaking of 400 dead bodies, mainly civilians, being found in Darayya. It could…
China cracks down on workers’ centres
While the world’s media has been concentrating on the trial of Gu Kailai for the murder of her “business” partner…
South Africa: Marikana massacre exposes the betrayal of the ANC
South African state prosecutors tried to charge 270 miners with the murder of 34 of their fellow workers. To do…
Cynics and cowards: the left on Syria
If you made a rogue’s gallery of the opponents and critics of the Syrian revolution on the Arab and international…
Imperialism in the dock: why the West is not bombing Syria
The American Zionist scholar Daniel Pipes recently wrote an article in The Washington Times, with the title “Stay out of…
Pentonville Five: when dockers fought the law and won
Forty years ago, four London dockers were arrested and held in north London’s Pentonville Prison. The next morning a fifth…