
The West abandons Afghans as Taliban claim victory

Defeat for the Nato alliance opens new chapter in Afghan war

Dave Stockton  ·  27 August 2021

How can students fight for change?

An explosion of student activism needs national coordination and a common strategy

Joe Crathorne  ·  27 August 2021

We need a revolution to stop the climate crisis

We need to campaign between now and the COP26 to build a movement to stop climate catastrophe.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  27 August 2021

Sharon Graham elected—now make her fight

Members deliver surprise result in blow for right and official left

Tim Nailsea  ·  26 August 2021

Defy Labour’s anti-socialist purge!

RF Political Committee Right wing members of Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) are proposing a motion to expel members of four leftwing organisations who have opposed Keir Starmer’s leadership and the witch-hunt of anti-Zionists and Marxists. While the total number of members is small, the proposal to ‘proscribe’ (i.e. ban) Socialist Appeal is a reference […]

Workers Power  ·  20 July 2021

Police: enforcers of class rule

The police do not exist to ‘protect and serve’ the population at large.

George Banks  ·  11 July 2021

Police officers evade prosecution for domestic violence

Only 43 of 800 accused officers have been prosecuted.

Alex Rutherford  ·  11 July 2021

Join the COP26 climate protests

The government is actively undermining its own climate targets.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  11 July 2021

Stop the retreat in the face of Tory attacks

If our “leaders'' won't lead, then grassroots activists need to take initiative and organise.

George Banks  ·  11 July 2021

Rape culture crisis in schools

A number of schools have seen students walk-out in protest.

Millie Collins  ·  11 July 2021

Morgan inquiry: Met police found ‘institutionally corrupt’

Inquiry has exposed a pattern of corruption among some of the country's top coppers.

Joe Crathorne  ·  11 July 2021

Leftist Strike Leader Wins Election in Peru

The centerpiece of Castillo’s campaign was to call a constituent assembly.

Chris Clough  ·  11 July 2021

Momentum’s Refounding Convention – not the process we need

Momentum's biggest problem is not structural but political.

Urte March  ·  28 June 2021

Stop the third wave: no trade-off between lives and livelihoods

Coronavirus cases are surging once again.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  12 June 2021

Unite General Secretary Election – for a single left candidate

Four candidates will be on the ballot paper.

Tim Nailsea  ·  09 June 2021

India: vaccine free market let virus spread

The world's largest vaccine manufacturer is in India.

Minerwa Tahir  ·  05 June 2021

Glasgow shows we need a mass movement to resist the “hostile environment”

When a Home Office van appeared on Kenmure Street in Glasgow southside early in the morning of 13 May and bundled two men out of their homes, the community responded immediately.

Urte March  ·  03 June 2021

Mass movement shakes Colombia’s US backed government

Since April 28 Colombia has been in a state of rebellion.

Chris Clough  ·  26 May 2021

Interview: Why we shut down Elbit in Oldham

Interview with an Israeli activist involved in Palestine Action

Workers Power  ·  19 May 2021

End UK support for Zionist state

We must make it impossible for our governments to continue propping up this apartheid regime.

Dilara Lorin  ·  16 May 2021

Bobby Sands: Irish freedom fighter 1954-1981

Forty years ago, the death of Bobby Sands reverberated throughout the world in a way that no other event has done in recent Irish history.

Dara O'Cogaidhin  ·  05 May 2021

Police Bill raises the need for organised self-defence

Self defence is no offence

Joe Crathorne  ·  03 May 2021

Unionism in crisis as Loyalists lash out

For a workers' republic of Ireland.

Bernie McAdam  ·  21 April 2021

USA: Daunte Wright’s murder shows police cannot be reformed

Wright’s murder, and the sheer number of such killings over many years, proves the inherently racist character of the police force. Quite simply, they cannot be reformed.

Tom Burns  ·  14 April 2021

Kids in Cages: Biden’s immigration policy is a return to the status quo

Kids in cages are kids in cages, no matter which party puts them there.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  13 April 2021

How the Hartlepool by-election is exposing Starmer

Starmer's "electable" party might lose.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  13 April 2021

London school students walk out over rape and harassment

Highgate students walked out on 25 March.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 April 2021

Government report twisted data to obscure Britain’s institutional racism

Racism in the UK report highly controversial.

Reginald Banks and Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 April 2021

NHS pay fight: unite for 15%!

Cross-union strike committees should be elected to unite the unions behind 15% and prepare coordinated action

Rebecca Anderson  ·  12 April 2021

Only Brazil’s working class can solve the health, political and economic crises

3,000 deaths per day.

Alex Rutherford  ·  10 April 2021

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