By R Banks and Millie Collins ON 11 FEBRUARY, 16 year old Brianna Ghey was brutally murdered, stabbed to death in Warrington Park by two 15 year olds. Brianna was transgender and had become a prominent representative of the young trans community on TikTok. Police took four days to declare that the murder ‘might’ be […]
By R Banks Keir Starmer claims that banning Jeremy Corbyn from standing as a Labour Party candidate, was ‘an important moment in the history of the Labour Party’ and represented ‘giving it back to the British people’. Giving it back to British imperialism more like. He added ‘it will never again be brought to its […]
By Andy Yorke WINTER IS here and along with it the deepest NHS crisis yet. Despite the respite from covid in 2022, waiting lists hit an all-time record of 7.2 million in December, with up to 500 excess deaths a week as a result of delays. A record number of patients waited over 12 hours […]
By Alex Rutherford WITH A new winter of discontent, rising prices, a growing strike wave and scandals ranging from tax penalties to kidnapped child refugees, it is no wonder that many commentators are predicting that Rishi Sunak’s career as Prime Minister may be a short one. From the perspective of the working class, the shorter […]
By R. Banks THE GOVERNMENT’S mistreatment of asylum seekers has come into public focus in recent weeks through a series of scandals, highlighting serious safeguarding failures and violations of basic human rights. It began with the Manston processing centre, a former military base in Kent. The site was intended to process 1,000 to 1,600 people […]
By Dave Stockton THE FIRST issue of Workers Power as a monthly paper appeared in October 1978. Its headline Smash the Five Per Cent Limit related to a situation we face today: a government trying to impose a ceiling on wages for public sector workers. Though the government then was a Labour administration, many of […]
By Jeremy Dewar THE METROPOLITAN Police is infested with violent misogynists. This isn’t rhetorical exaggeration. It’s a fact. Twelve serving Met officers have been convicted of sexual offences against women since the murder of Sarah Everard in March 2021, one every two months. Met Commissioner Mark Rowley admits this is only the tip of the […]
By Pete Thompson WORKERS IN Royal Mail and Parcelforce took 18 days of strike action last year against bosses’ plans to hold down pay and rip up terms and conditions in a union-busting campaign to transform the company on the model of its gig-economy parcel courier competitors. Strike action was enough to see some significant […]
INFLATION HAS reached its highest level since the 1980s. The November rate for the UK was 10.67%. Between September 2021 and September 2022, food prices increased by 14.5 percent. At the same time annual wages rises in the private sector stood at 6.7% and 2.9% in the public sector. The purchasing power of wages has […]
Archive article about the 1982 NHS strike.
7.2 million people are on waiting lists for NHS treatment in England.
The Bill has passed the House of Commons.
Living standards will fall by 7% in the next two years.
Editorial December-January 2022/23, No. 399
Hunt's budget constitutes the organised impoverishment of millions in order to protect the profits of business, banks and speculators.
Editorial November 2022, No. 398
By KD Tait SIX SHORT weeks was all Tory MPs needed to put an end to the Truss experiment. This time they did not make the mistake of consulting their members. Having already installed Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor, the election rules were blatantly rigged in favour of the bankers’ man Rishi Sunak. The forces of […]
CWU leaders have called off strikes after bosses threatened them with court action
Members should boycott this fraudulent selection.
What is the TUC going to do about it?
By a Unison activist THE NATIONAL Education Union has won an impressive mandate to call an official strike ballot for a cost of living pay increase. Not only did over a quarter of a million teachers vote by 86% on a 62% turnout for strike action in support of a fully-funded (i.e. increasing school budgets) […]
By Millie Collins MORE THAN 12,000 people took to the streets across 11 major cities on 29 October to protest the extortionate cost of childcare, demanding much needed reforms to the archaic parental leave system—which Rishi Sunak disgracefully described as a ‘holiday’. The ‘March of the Mummies’ was organised by Pregnant Then Screwed, a charity […]
Official reports chart the complete failure of attempts to solve the climate crisis and serve as a reminder of the urgent need for socialist solutions.
The deep divisions in the Conservative party have their roots in the decline of British capitalism.
Now is the time to press our advantage. The unions must sound the advance across every front of struggle.
Hindu nationalism is promoting anti-Muslim hatred
Editorial October 2022, No. 397
By Rebecca Anderson The 1st October Enough is Enough day of action in Leeds began at 10am when a thousand people joined the picket line at the train station, spilling out into the road as we listened to the RMT speaker explain why they are striking and won’t give up, followed by chants of “Enough […]
If the national campaigns won't unite, we need to build unity from below
By Peter Main At first sight, Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini-budget” looks like nothing more than pandering to the Tory members who voted for Liz Truss. Anyone who seriously thinks that forcing part-time workers on Universal Credit to find a few more hours of work each week is going to have the slightest effect on the national […]