Labour Party and electoral politics

How democratic is Corbyn’s Labour?

THANKS TO NEIL KINNOCK’S counterrevolution against the democratic reforms of the late 1970s and early 1980s, and Blair’s in the 1990s and 2000s, Jeremy Corbyn and his team inherited a Labour Party in which the leadership could prevent the membership from either determining party policy or who should represent them in parliament.

Workers Power  ·  06 September 2019

London Young Labour conference: not fit for purpose

Despite the youthfulness of the movement that brought Corbyn to power, it was years before Corbynites made serious inroads into Labour’s bureaucratic and virtually moribund youth organisations, which had been exploited for decades as merely a conveyor belt between universities and the party apparatus.

Urte March  ·  06 September 2019

Labour can stop the coup and take power

Labour must rule lead the resistance to the coup in parliament - and on the streets

Workers Power  ·  03 September 2019

Motion: Stop the coup – stop No Deal

A motion opposing Boris Johnson's attempt to prorogue parliament to avoid scrutiny of his hard Brexit deal

Workers Power  ·  30 August 2019

Stop Johnson’s No Deal coup — by any means necessary!

We need a massive campaign of resistance to this constitutional coup

Workers Power  ·  28 August 2019

Reinstate Chris Williamson

Whatever our criticisms of Chris Williamson's politics, his statement that the Labour Party had not been robust in rebutting charges that antisemitism was rife in the party, is fair comment.

Workers Power  ·  07 August 2019

Boris Johnson’s war cabinet prepares for hard Brexit

On Thursday night, Britain’s new prime minister wielded the knife and unveiled his new war cabinet – elevating the extreme fringe of the Tory parliamentary party to the heart of government.

Workers Power  ·  25 July 2019

Labour’s two faced Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn’s latest statement on Labour’s Brexit policy, in an email to party members, has been presented as a major shift towards a “Remain” position. It is not. It is essentially a re-statement of what has been the policy since the Liverpool conference; “constructive ambiguity” or, in plain terms, a fudge. At most, there is […]

Workers Power  ·  11 July 2019

Brexit “a slow moving car crash”

The Corbyn project for an anti-austerity Labour government is in danger. From Jeremy Corbyn himself.

Workers Power  ·  08 July 2019

Reject Momentum’s democracy proposals – demand a sovereign conference

The low horizons of Momentum’s democracy review forces us to ask the question - what is Momentum for?

Workers Power  ·  11 June 2019

EU elections show time for Brexit compromise is over

Labour members should fight for a special conference to win the party to an unequivocal policy of defeating Brexit and fighting for a socialist Europe

Workers Power  ·  27 May 2019

EU elections: why Anti-Brexit Socialists should still vote Labour

Despite the confusion caused by Labour's fudged Brexit position, internationalist Labour voters should not abandon the party for the Greens or the Lib Dems at the EU Elections.

Workers Power  ·  22 May 2019

Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism

By Jeremy Dewar Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon is the latest Labour MP to be targeted by the Jewish Chronicle and Labour Friends of Israel and tarred with the brush of anti-Semitism. There are of course local and European elections coming up, so we should expect the witch-hunters inside the party to be throwing up […]

Workers Power  ·  04 May 2019

What is Jeremy Corbyn Playing at?

The reason for Corbyn and Abbott’s support for wanting to leave the EU is, however, more than a vote-catching calculus or just keeping the party together. They believe that it is a necessary pre-condition for a reforming Labour government.

Workers Power  ·  04 May 2019

The Working Class supports free movement, Labour must too

FBU Executive Council Member Paul Embery claims the working class oppose freedom of movement in the EU. But polling shows this is far from the case.

Rob Schofield  ·  08 April 2019

The march against Brexit exposed the self-defeating policy of Labour’s leaders

Socialists need to take up the anti-racist and internationalist spirit of the movement and channel it towards socialist solutions

Workers Power  ·  24 March 2019

Stop Brexit – by any means necessary

Our leaflet for the 23 March for a People's Vote

Workers Power  ·  23 March 2019

Solidarity with Leeds University Palestine activists against Fabian Hamilton’s anti-Semitism smear

Red Flag condemns Fabian Hamilton's smears and stands in solidarity with Palestine solidarity activists during Israel Apartheid Week

Workers Power  ·  20 March 2019

Brexit is breaking Britain’s politics

The impossibility of reconciling the vote to leave the EU with the interests of British capitalism has triggered a historic crisis

Workers Power  ·  27 February 2019

We need an internationalist alternative to Brexit

The internationalist left need to outline an alternative to Corbyn's nationalist Brexit project

Urte March  ·  14 February 2019

Jeremy Corbyn’s Letter Is Not “Honest Politics”

By trampling on conference policy, Corbyn has exchanged one rotten compromise for another.

Workers Power  ·  09 February 2019

Motion: Oppose US regime change in Venezuela

A motion opposing the attempted US-backed coup in Venezuela

Workers Power  ·  06 February 2019

Empty gestures as Corbyn and May inch closer to Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn's response to Theresa May’s new plan for Brexit was perceptive enough: “nothing has changed”.

Workers Power  ·  22 January 2019

Controversial launch for Labour anti-racism campaign

Grassroots activist initiative expropriated by Momentum

Workers Power  ·  22 January 2019

No Brexit: No Compromise!

Theresa May is trying to blackmail Parliament into voting for her deal. Labour must stand firm

Workers Power  ·  19 January 2019

Motion: Solidarity with the people of Brazil

A motion for use in promoting solidarity with the people of Brazil following the election of far-right president Jair Bolsonaro

Workers Power  ·  14 November 2018

Motion: Build a united front against racism and fascism

A motion to support the launch of Labour Against Racism and Fascism

Workers Power  ·  19 October 2018

Labour Party Conference report 2018: two steps forward, one step back

By KD Tait LABOUR’S ANNUAL conference was widely judged a success. Even the normally hostile media were forced to admit that it confirmed Jeremy Corbyn as a credible Opposition leader who had finally succeeded in stamping his authority on the party. The much trailed possibility of open divisions, perhaps even a split to form a […]

Workers Power  ·  08 October 2018

John McDonnell’s ‘Industrial Democracy’: From Workers Into Shareholders?

By Simon Hannah  JOHN McDonnell’s announcement at the 2018 Labour Party conference that companies with over 250 workers would have to give over 10 percent of their shares to their staff has been praised by some on the left and even got positive support in an opinion poll by Yougov. The proposal will see companies […]

Workers Power  ·  08 October 2018

The Workers’ Answer to Brexit

THE starting point for any socialist looking to determine their stance on Brexit is to ascertain whether it is in the interests of the working class. All other considerations – electoral impact, the finality or otherwise of any given referendum outcome, the attitude to Brexit of the big capitalists or Chukka Umunna – are all […]

Workers Power  ·  08 October 2018

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