From We have grave concerns about the recent Ncafc conference – both how it was organised and the outcome of the conference, which imposed a new set of structures that undermine the unity and inclusivity of the national organisation.
Statement by REVOLUTION Many student activists will be wondering why we did not stand for, or vote, in the elections for a steering committee at the recent “reinvigoration” meeting of the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts on 5 June. There’s no doubt been much frustration in the movement after parliament voted for tuition fees, […]
A comprehensive critique of the politics of the SWP and IS tradition, covering State Capitalism, Third Campism, the party question, Economism, women, the trade unions, the general strike and Ireland.
The war in the Six Counties is a war between British imperialism and the Irish people. But this fact is still not clear to many on the British left.