Labour's insistence that fiscal rules are rules is a warning to workers and unions that it plans to put profit first.
A review of Adrian Budd's new book on China
The trail of Jimmy Lai under the National Security Law.
Tories and Labour have moved into election mode.
By Peter Main In this short pamphlet, Simon Hannah seeks to, ‘outline the recent history of China as well as the ways in which the politics and economy of the country have shifted – making it one of the most powerful capitalist and emerging imperialist countries in the world’. More than that, as the title […]
At its August conference in South Africa, the BRICS group of ‘emerging markets’ (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) agreed to accept six new members.
Silicon Valley, Signature, Credit Suisse, the first of many?
Growing divisions in the party have forced a change of tack.
Who is Xi scared of?
By Peter Main At first sight, Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini-budget” looks like nothing more than pandering to the Tory members who voted for Liz Truss. Anyone who seriously thinks that forcing part-time workers on Universal Credit to find a few more hours of work each week is going to have the slightest effect on the national […]
In death, as in life, the role and significance of Mikhail Gorbachev, who died on August 30 and was buried on September 3, remains disputed.
HOUR AFTER hour of obsequious commentary, constant updating on the progress of the coffin towards London, an uninterrupted procession of has-beens and would-be’s underlining their own importance by recalling their past royal encounters—there is no way of avoiding the passing of Elizabeth II. More importantly, the suspension of strike action by the RMT and by […]
Four of the five candidates of the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance were elected to the NEC.
Assumptions that damage to the UK economy was inevitable have now been backed up with concrete evidence.
Once hailed as a model of development, Sri Lanka is facing complete economic breakdown
By Peter Main Rajapaksa is sending his thugs to kill us”, that was the one line message sent to the League by a supporter at the protest camp on Galle Face Green in Colombo on May 9. The Rajapaksa in question was Mahinda, the Prime Minister, but the attack was no doubt supported by his […]
Trotskyism in the 21st century.
CHINA’S CONSTRUCTION industry, a key lever in Beijing’s entire economic policy, is facing a debt crisis of enormous proportions. Attention has focused on Evergrande, a development company, whose total debts are estimated at $310 billion and which failed to pay some $96 million interest on foreign bonds in September. Just three days before being declared […]
NEC purge signals end of left's attempt to wrest control of the party
We need a Zero Covid strategy