
Thames Water bankrupt: Nationalise water boards

Free-market economists’ claims about the efficiency of privatisation don’t hold water.

Andy Yorke  ·  26 July 2024

CWU ballot: Security and stability or a race to the bottom?

By a CWU Rep The CWU leadership argues that if we had continued to strike Royal Mail would have gone bankrupt. The Tories would have taken it over, handed the parcel operation to the company’s international holding company IDS (until last year Royal Mail Group) and slashed the USO, losing tens of thousands of jobs. […]

A CWU Rep  ·  25 June 2023

Dirty money, dirty water

A shocking new study involving 30 water treatment works has estimated that 11bn litres of untreated sewage were discharged in 2020.

George Banks  ·  04 June 2023

Royal Mail strikes must demand nationalisation

It is clear that nothing less than the future of Royal Mail itself is at stake.

A CWU Rep  ·  12 September 2022

Overseas Operations Bill: Starmer’s march to the right hits double-time

Labour abstains on bill that decriminalises torture.

Joe Crathorne  ·  26 September 2020

CWU leadership talks out the ballot

Postal workers being lined up for a defeat

A CWU Rep  ·  21 September 2020

Nationalise Royal Mail, defend the USO!

Royal Mail is in the red - our answer must be renationalisation

Pete Thompson  ·  14 July 2020

Union makes concessions as talks begin with Royal Mail

The answer to a Royal Mail in the red is renationalisation not cuts

A CWU Rep  ·  14 July 2020

Why Covid-19 has pushed the NHS past breaking point

The UK government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed not only the ineptitude of the current government but the sorry state of our National Health Service, which has been pushed to breaking point by successive administrations

Rebecca Anderson  ·  13 April 2020

British Steel: Nationalisation under workers’ control

The labour movement needs to act quickly to prevent asset stripping, block the closure, and secure public ownership.

Workers Power  ·  26 May 2019

N is for Nationalisation

"Nationalisation, without compensation and under workers’ control."

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2018

A socialist plan for steel

By Jeremy Dewar Labour should demand the permanent nationalisation of Tata’s UK operation. Steelworkers have paid for these works many times over with their labour, so no compensation is necessary. John McDonnell is right: Labour’s previous nationalisation model is flawed. Instead of a capitalist management dictating to and exploiting the workforce, we propose workers’ control […]

Workers Power  ·  17 April 2016

Nationalise steel as part of an industrial plan

By Jeremy Dewar At a board meeting in Mumbai, India, Tata executives voted through a plan to sell off all its UK plants or, failing that, to shut them down. Some 15,000 workers and their families face the prospect of devastating job losses, with another 25,000 workers in the supply chain at severe risk. The […]

Workers Power  ·  17 April 2016

Marxism and… Cooperatives

The concept of cooperatives as an alternative to both private and state ownership has resurfaced courtesy of a recent speech by Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell. This article sets out the Marxist critique of the prospects of cooperatives to exist within and act as a focus to overcome a capitalist market economy. In the 19th […]

Workers Power  ·  16 February 2016

John McDonnell’s ‘workers cooperatives’ – profit or bust

By Dave Stockton John McDonnell’s speech at the Cooperative Ways Forward Conference in Manchester on 21 January opened his campaign for what he calls “the new economics” – involving a clear break from the austerity-lite policies pursued by Labour under Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband. This was John’s opening gambit in a welcome – and […]

Workers Power  ·  05 February 2016

A New Way to Nationalise

NATIONALISATION. It’s the Labour policy the Tories have always hated. And it’s back in the news. Newly elected Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has made it a cornerstone of his new package of leftwing policies. In a popular move he has called for the renationalisation of the railways. He wants to take gas, water and electricity […]

Workers Power  ·  08 November 2015

Nationalise the Steel Industry!

British steel is in crisis. While cheap Chinese is steel being “dumped” on world markets, three body blows have been inflicted on steel production. The SSI steelworks in Redcar is going into liquidation, with the government refusing to offer any lifeline. A mothballing operation will now see 2,200 jobs go, in a devastating blow to […]

Workers Power  ·  08 November 2015

Class struggle bulletin

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