
Stop the fascists – protest 27 July

It is essential for all class conscious workers to mobilise in force and defend our trans, Muslim and migrant brothers and sisters.

Millie Collins  ·  26 July 2024

Macron declares war on ‘Islamic separatism’

New law is an attack on France's Muslim population.

Kady Tait and Dave Stockton  ·  09 February 2021

Solidarity with the struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir!

The state of Jammu and Kashmir has been stripped of its status of limited autonomy within India. dividing the state into two union territories: firstly Jammu and Kashmir, and secondly Ladakh. The Modi government wants to promote war hysteria so that on the one hand, all resistance and dissent can be crushed in the name of 'enmity to India'. On the other hand, such policies are aimed at providing Indian capital opportunities to loot and plunder Kashmir.

Workers Power  ·  10 August 2019

Hindutva: The new face of the Indian capitalist class

The Hindutva chauvinist Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP, under the leadership of Narendra Modi, has won the elections to India's lower house, Lok Sabha.

Workers Power  ·  09 July 2019

Mass Murder in Christchurch – down with racist terror!

The terrorist killing of 50 Muslims in New Zealand is the latest horrifying testimony to the rise of violent racism worldwide.

Workers Power  ·  18 March 2019

Football Lads Alliance: know your enemy

By Jeremy Dewar SINCE THE heyday of the National Front in the 1970s, British Nazis have always dreamt of lashing up with the football hooligan scene. If they could inculcate fascist ideas into the heads of the leaders of the various “firms” – often full of racist and socially conservative prejudices already – then, they […]

Workers Power  ·  09 June 2018

Statement on the State of Emergency in Sri Lanka

Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Sri Lanka The declaration of a State of Emergency by the government of Ranil Wickremasinghe and Maithripala Sirisena is further evidence, if more were required, that theirs is a government that cannot resolve Sri Lanka’s long standing economic and social problems. The immediate justification for the State of […]

Workers Power  ·  12 March 2018

Hijab ban is sexist, racist, wrong

By a London teacher The recent decision by an East London primary school to ban pupils from wearing the hijab shows how Islamophobia subjects Muslim women to a double dose of racism and sexism. Although protests forced the school to reverse the ban, this is not an isolated attempt to single out Muslims for discrimination […]

Workers Power  ·  07 March 2018

Women’s liberation, Islam and anti-Muslim racism

By Martin Suchanek  This article was originally published in Neue Internationale – Frauen Zeitung, the German language magazine of the League for the Fifth International The war against Islamic State, the renewal of state bans on Islamic women’s dress in the West and the spread of Islamist terrorism has renewed the focus on Islam as […]

Workers Power  ·  08 March 2017

57 per cent back UK burka ban

OVER THE summer France has once more debated the issue of Islamic dress after mayors in more than 30 seaside towns introduced a ban on burkinis-the full body (but not face) covering swimwear. Here in Britain, banning the burka or the burkini has hardly been a topic of discussion outside the fringes of the right. UKIP […]

Rebecca Anderson  ·  20 September 2016

David Cameron has smeared Muslim women

ISLAMOPHOBIA  David Cameron has smeared Muslim women by suggesting that their supposed failure to learn English and integrate into British society is a cause of “radicalism” and terrorism. In fact most of those who carried out terrorist attacks in Britain, Belgium and France were fluent speakers of these countries’ languages. He added the threat that […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Stop Pegida

7 February 2015 The British press have, in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, woken up to the growing Islamophobic movement in Germany. Peter Main investigates The German Pegida movement is probably the most organised expression of Islamophobia in Europe. The name itself comes from the initials of its name in German, Patriotic Europeans […]

Workers Power  ·  07 February 2015

Tories deploy 'British values' against Muslims

By Bernie McAdam After their humiliation in the EU elections at the hands of UKIP the Tories had to do something to reclaim the mantle of Britain’s number one racist party. The answer was to stir up Islamophobia by attacking Birmingham schools whose catchment area has a large Muslim population. In March an anonymous letter was […]

Workers Power  ·  23 June 2014

The AWL’s anti-anti-imperialist Islamophobia

By Marcus Halaby It’s difficult sometimes not to feel sorry for the rank and file members of the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty (AWL), possibly one of the few groups on the British left to have much to show for its involvement in the student revolt of late 2010. Just as it seems to be getting […]

Workers Power  ·  05 November 2013

Denounce the AWL’s Racist Article

The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty has published an outright racist article on its website. Despite the objections of some AWL members who oppose this anti-Muslim racism, they have refused to take it down. The article, which is by one of its founders, Sean Matgamna, is still on their website – and they have even put […]

Workers Power  ·  27 October 2013

Islamophobia – the rise of the new racism

Natalie Silverstein and Rix Bragg investigate how racism has changed as its targets have changed

Workers Power  ·  02 September 2011

Massacre in Norway: the threat of Islamophobia and violent, right wing politics

What motivated Anders Behring Breivik to kill over 90 people in Norway? His actions can only be understood in the context of rising Islamophobia and the far right, argues Dave Stockton

Workers Power  ·  26 July 2011

Massacre in Norway: the threat of Islamophobia and violent, right wing politics

What motivated Anders Behring Breivik to kill over 90 people in Norway? His actions can only be understood in the context of rising Islamophobia and the far right, argues Dave Stockton

Workers Power  ·  24 July 2011

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