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Motion: Stop the coup – stop No Deal

30 August 2019

We have to mobilise the entire labour movement in the struggle against this Tory No Deal Coup. Submit this motion to your local Labour Party and trade union branch to help build a movement that can bring this government down!

Stop The Coup – Stop No Deal – Labour Motion

This CLP believes

1.     That Boris Johnson has carried out a coup against democracy by proroguing Parliament

2.     That this is designed to ensure he can push through a No Deal Brexit, despite him having no mandate for such a policy and no majority in Parliament for it.

3.     That a No Deal Brexit would intensify the assault on jobs, pay, protective legislation and the welfare state, intensify the racist attacks on European and BAME workers, and jeopardise the livelihoods of two million EU citizens without settled status.

4.     That a No Deal Brexit would be an unwarranted act of economic aggression against the economy of Ireland, north and south.

5.     The Tories and Liberals would rather risk a No Deal exit than bring down the government in favour of a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour government.

6.     That the leadership of the Labour Party and the trade unions have a responsibility to take the lead in the fight against No Deal.

Therefore, this constituency resolves

1.     To call on the PLP to secure a vote of no confidence in the government and back a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn, and to support legislation aimed at blocking No Deal.

2.     To ask our MP to rule out voting for any government of national unity, or one led by anyone other than the elected leader of the Labour party.

3.     In recognition of the fact that parliament has failed to resolve the crisis, to call on the Labour NEC and the TUC to mobilise their millions of members in action to stop No Deal.

4.  To set up a local committee of action, by inviting all local union branches, all Labour Party branches and neighbouring CLPs to send delegates to an initial meeting, to begin the process of coordinating action on the streets and in the workplaces to stop Johnson and drive him from office.

Stop The Coup – Stop No Deal – Trade Union Motion

This branch believes

1.     That Boris Johnson has carried out a coup against democracy by proroguing Parliament

2.     That this is designed to ensure he can push through a No Deal Brexit, despite him having no mandate for such a policy and no majority in Parliament for it.

3.     That a No Deal Brexit would intensify the assault on jobs, pay, protective legislation and the welfare state, intensify the racist attacks on European and BAME workers, and jeopardise the livelihoods of two million EU citizens without settled status.

4.     That a No Deal Brexit would be an unwarranted act of economic aggression against the economy of Ireland, north and south.

5.     The Tories and Liberals would rather risk a No Deal exit than bring down the government in favour of a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour government.

6.     That the leadership of the Labour Party and the trade unions have a responsibility to take the lead in the fight against No Deal.

Therefore, this branch resolves

1.     In recognition of the fact that parliament has failed to resolve the crisis, to call on the Labour NEC and the TUC to mobilise their millions of members in action to stop No Deal.

2.     To set up a local committee of action, by inviting all local union branches, all Labour Party branches and neighbouring CLPs to send delegates to an initial meeting, to begin the process of coordinating action on the streets and in the workplaces to stop Johnson and drive him from office.

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