Race and migration

Labour’s attacks on migrants won’t stop Reform

By George Banks Fearing the electoral threat posed by Reform, Labour has launched a fresh assault on migrants. Part of this campaign is a disturbing ad blitz, boasting of the highest deportation levels seen in five years. These advertisements are styled in Reform UK’s distinctive turquoise, with Labour’s branding conspicuously absent.  They have also launched […]

George Banks  ·  10 March 2025

Child sexual exploitation scandal

Racist myth-making obscures real causes of violence against women and girls.

Millie Collins  ·  29 January 2025

Chris Kaba’s killer walks free

The acquittal of Martyn Blake has been seized on by police chiefs to demand immunity for killings

Jeremy Dewar  ·  07 November 2024

Undercover: Exposing the Far Right review

Hope Not Hate go undercover to expose the changing dynamics of the international far right mixing racism, violence and conspiracy theories

KD Tait  ·  03 November 2024

Defend refugees against the far right

Labour's policy towards asylum seekers is little different to the Tories.

Millie Collins  ·  10 September 2024

SUtR: outsourcing anti-racism on behalf of labour bureaucracy

The SWP limit Stand Up to Racism's programme and tactics to what is acceptable to its reformist sponsors

Workers Power  ·  09 September 2024

How Bristol saw off the far right

Thousands came out to protest against the far right in Bristol. One of the organisers explains how it happened

Workers Power  ·  05 September 2024

Northern Ireland: Loyalists join in anti-migrant pogroms

The outbreak of rioting in England gave renewed impetus to a mounting wave of violence in the six counties

Workers Power  ·  04 September 2024

Far right quelled by anti-racist mobilisations – but no room for complacency

Antiracist demonstrations show working class solidarity is the way to stop fascist terror.

KD Tait  ·  09 August 2024

Racist riots spread to Belfast

Northern Ireland's sectarian culture has proven fertile ground for the spread of racist bigotry towards Muslims

Bernie McAdam  ·  07 August 2024

Mass mobilisations needed to confront far right

Far right activists are exploiting the Southport murders to spread Islamophobic and anti-immigrant lies. We need mass mobilisations and workers' self-defence against the fascists.

Workers Power  ·  01 August 2024

Stop the fascists – protest 27 July

It is essential for all class conscious workers to mobilise in force and defend our trans, Muslim and migrant brothers and sisters.

Millie Collins  ·  12 July 2024

Resisting the new far right in Ireland

The recent riot in Dublin dramatically shone a new light on the activities of Ireland’s emerging far right.

Bernie McAdam  ·  16 January 2024

After officer charged with Chris Kaba’s murder, Police demand impunity

Suella Braverman and Rishi Sunak have rushed to reassure the police.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  13 October 2023

Refugee prison hulk plumbs new depths of mistreatment

The government wants to ‘house’ asylum seekers on the 220-bed accommodation barge.

Millie Collins  ·  16 September 2023

Rap lyrics ‘evidence of bad character’ in racist prosecutions

Courts use participation in rap music used as evidence of ‘bad character’.

Rob Schofield  ·  15 September 2023

Oppressed French youth demand justice for Nahel!

27 June, Nanterre (a banlieue of Paris): two policemen stop a car, one shouting, ‘Open or I put a bullet in your head!’. Seconds later, a shot. 17-year-old Nahel M is dead.

Marc Lasalle  ·  05 July 2023

Why Shamima Begum must return

By Alex Rutherford SHAMIMA BEGUM has lost her latest appeal to regain British citizenship after this was stripped from her on supposed ‘national security grounds’ after she travelled to Syria to join ISIL in 2015, when she was just 15 years old. She is now being held at the al-Roj detention camp in north-east Syria. […]

Rob Schofield  ·  21 March 2023

‘Touch one, touch all’: The murder of Chris Kaba

By Jeremy Dewar TWO TO three thousand people turned out in central London on Saturday 10 September to protest the killing of Chris Kaba by the police the previous Monday. The large response clearly surprised the police and organisers, just as it lifted the spirits of the grieving family. Another police murder Chris was the […]

KD Tait  ·  13 September 2022

Child Q scandal: cops out of schools now!

We need working class self-organisation to stop police harassment in schools and on the streets

Jeremy Dewar  ·  21 March 2022

Colston 4 acquitted – now kill the bill

The PCSC Bill must be defeated.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  09 February 2022

Racism in Yorkshire County Cricket Club

The recent revelations by Azeem Rafiq have illuminated the deep rooted racism faced by many cricket players.

Sarah Barden  ·  08 December 2021

Met boss keeps top job – for now

Despite a career of abuse, cover-up and racism, Cressida Dick will be reappointed as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.

Marcel Rajecky  ·  07 October 2021

How Black and Asian workers fought bosses and unions in the 20th century

Jeremy Dewar reviews The Making of the Black Working Class in Britain by Ron Ramdin

Jeremy Dewar  ·  07 October 2021

Glasgow shows we need a mass movement to resist the “hostile environment”

When a Home Office van appeared on Kenmure Street in Glasgow southside early in the morning of 13 May and bundled two men out of their homes, the community responded immediately.

Urte March  ·  03 June 2021

USA: Daunte Wright’s murder shows police cannot be reformed

Wright’s murder, and the sheer number of such killings over many years, proves the inherently racist character of the police force. Quite simply, they cannot be reformed.

Tom Burns  ·  14 April 2021

Kids in Cages: Biden’s immigration policy is a return to the status quo

Kids in cages are kids in cages, no matter which party puts them there.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  13 April 2021

Government report twisted data to obscure Britain’s institutional racism

Racism in the UK report highly controversial.

Reginald Banks and Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 April 2021

Macron declares war on ‘Islamic separatism’

New law is an attack on France's Muslim population.

Kady Tait and Dave Stockton  ·  09 February 2021

Nationalism and the working class

The working class is an international class.

Mel Astbury  ·  26 January 2021

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