UNISON union

Vote Paul Holmes – but organise the rank and file!

Unison General Secretary election.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  23 November 2020

All change at Unison?

Vote Paul Homles for Unison General Secretary

Jeremy Dewar  ·  08 October 2020

Solidarity with Sodexo workers at Birkbeck!

Threats of large-scale redundancies among outsourced catering staff at Birkbeck have sparked a campaign of resistance from Birkbeck Unison.

Joe Crathorne  ·  22 September 2020

Motion on the great jobs massacre

Passed by Lambeth Unison

Workers Power  ·  09 September 2020

From hero to zero: how the UK has shown gratitude to their most essential workers during the pandemic

NHS workers campaign for a pay rise.

Hywel Matthews  ·  07 September 2020

Tories could unleash a second wave by reopening schools

For parents', students' and teachers' control of health and safety in our schools.

A UCU rep  ·  03 September 2020

Grassroots Fight for 15% can Win by Escalating Action

Rallies and demonstrations are due to take place across the country, as part of a growing grassroots revolt by nurses and health workers excluded from a recent public sector pay rise

KD Tait  ·  26 August 2020

Thousands march in support of nurses’ fight for 15%

With public support behind them, nurses and health workers can lead the way in fighting for a pay rise for all public sector employees.

Workers Power  ·  08 August 2020

Leeds healthworkers join NHS fight for 15%

Hundreds joined the nationwide day of action calling for justice for NHS nurses and health workers excluded from a recent public sector pay rise.

Workers Power  ·  08 August 2020

Tower Hamlets Labour declares war on council workers

The Unison branch at Tower Hamlets Council organised a solid three day strike against the unilateral mass sacking of the entire work force.

Simon Hannah  ·  09 July 2020

Unions and Labour Councils must step up the fight against unsafe re-opening of schools

How we can stop the schools reopening on 1 June and put public health before private wealth

A school union rep  ·  20 May 2020

Motion: Workers’ action against the covid-19 pandemic

A motion passed by Lambeth Unison's branch committee

A Unison Steward  ·  27 March 2020

School closures: skeleton service or community organisation?

The vulnerable will suffer most in any social – and economic – lockdown. We must insist schools apply a broad definition to the terms of which students and families are ‘vulnerable’ based on need, not the dictates of an uncaring, neoliberal government seeking to protect business over workers and the poor.

A Unison Steward  ·  21 March 2020

UNISON members angry as leaders back Starmer

UNISON members were informed by email on 8 January that “UNISON backs Keir Starmer to be next Labour leader”. This decision was made by the Labour Link committee who decide on the union’s relationship to the Labour Party. The decision taken by that committee (with 14 votes for Starmer, five votes for Rebecca Long Bailey […]

Simon Hannah  ·  13 January 2020

How Britain’s biggest union undermines migrant workers’ rights

Over the past seven years cleaners and security guards at London’s most prestigious universities have been fighting a relentless and courageous struggle for basic rights: the London Living Wage, sickness, holiday and maternity pay, workplace conditions, and end to contracting out and union recognition.

Workers Power  ·  09 July 2019

Unison Ballots School Staff For Action

After years of inaction, Unison members finally have the chance to send a message to the Tories that workers are prepared to fight the destruction of our education system

Workers Power  ·  29 January 2019

Defrosting Unison

By Jeremy Dewar LOCAL GOVERNMENT officers, health workers and school support staff will gather in Brighton in mid-June ostensibly to discuss and debate the way forward for Unison, the principle public sector union. In reality it will be a frustrating week, listening to endless and highly inappropriate self-congratulation from the top table. Motions or amendments […]

Workers Power  ·  15 June 2018

Local Government: Union leaders prepare fresh capitulation

By Jeremy Dewar, Unison rep, pc Another year, another pay cut. Or so it seems. As we go to press, Britain’s biggest local government union, Unison, is about to close its second consultative ballot (we didn’t give the right answer first time) on the employers’ 2018-19 pay offer. The offer is atrocious: a real pay […]

Workers Power  ·  02 April 2018

Local government: reject the pay offer – fight for five per cent!

By a Unison schools convenor There are 1.3 million local government and school support workers – 78 per cent of them women. We are the housing officers, youth workers, social workers, teaching assistants, caterers and cleaners that keep hard-up families together and services running. Austerity budgets, year after year, have wiped out over 700,000 jobs […]

Workers Power  ·  01 March 2018

Durham teaching assistants vote for strike action

TEACHING ASSISTANTS employed by Durham County Council have voted overwhelmingly for strike action against the imposition of new contracts that would see some workers lose up to 23 per cent – or £6,000 a year. The Labour led Council in Durham voted in May to dismiss all of the 2,700 teaching assistants employed by the […]

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2016

Student nurses on the march against bursary cuts

In yet another fightback against Tory NHS cuts, over a thousand student nurses marched through central London on 9 January to protest at the loss of their bursaries. Having already scrapped the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and hiked tuition fees, the Tories now have student nurses in their sights. Tuition fees for student nurses will […]

Workers Power  ·  26 January 2016

Class struggle bulletin

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