Work and trade unions

UCU: Anatomy of a betrayal

By Dara O’Cogaidhin THE UCU strike has been called off following a campaign of anti-democratic, bureaucratic manoeuvring by General Secretary Jo Grady. After negotiations with the employers’ organisation UCEA, Grady informed members via Twitter that a ‘two week period of calm’ was agreed which would enable ‘intensive negotiations with the aim of reaching a final […]

Rob Schofield  ·  09 March 2023

Stop the sell-outs – step up the strikes

THE STRIKE wave in response to the bosses’ offensive, which threatens to rob workers and the poor of 15% or more of their real income over two years, has given a welcome boost to millions. The number of walkouts over the past nine months marks the most sustained and widespread strike action for 30 years—despite […]

Rob Schofield  ·  09 March 2023

We need rank and file control of the disputes

Editorial 15 March 2023, No. 401

Rob Schofield  ·  09 March 2023

Why the new deals are sellouts

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt have told their ministers that they can raise their offers to the unions from 3–3.5% to 5% for the coming year and pay a one-off bonus to ‘compensate’ for the devastating loss of income in 2022–23. This would leave millions of public sector workers facing a 15% […]

Rob Schofield  ·  09 March 2023

Postal workers – are we sliding towards a bad deal?

Workers need to organise against any sell-out of the dispute.

A CWU Rep  ·  03 March 2023

Escalating action needs to follow the massive strike vote in Royal Mail

Postal workers have done it again. Forced to reballot by the Tory anti-union laws after six months of strikes and lost pay, they smashed it, with a remarkable 95.9% vote for action on a 77.3% turnout, nearly as high as the previous record ballots. Even after 18 days of strike action last year and lost […]

A CWU Rep  ·  23 February 2023

After 1 February: where next?

By KD Tait ON 1 FEBRUARY hundreds of thousands of teachers, lecturers, civil servants and train drivers struck in the biggest coordinated day of action for many years. In London alone, 50,000 strikers marched in the biggest weekday demonstration since the protest against Donald Trump’s visit in 2018. Tens of thousands more marched in towns […]

KD Tait  ·  07 February 2023

Victory means rank and file organisation

Editorial February 2023, No. 400

Workers Power  ·  07 February 2023

Tories rip up workers’ rights

By Jeremy Dewar PRIME MINISTER Rishi Sunak and business secretary Grant Shapps are rushing the Strikes (minimum service levels) Bill through parliament in order to deny workers the right to strike in six named sectors: health, transport, education, fire and rescue, nuclear power decommissioning and border security. Once signed off by King Charles it will […]

Jeremy Dewar  ·  07 February 2023

NHS strikes: organise to win

IN A historic first, nurses in the RCN union, pushed to breaking point, have joined the strike wave against the cost of living crisis. And despite media attempts to probe for public disapproval, they have massive support. A million patients are treated in the NHS every 36 minutes, and they are overwhelmingly grateful to and […]

Andy Yorke  ·  07 February 2023

CWU reballot: vote yes and restore the strike!

By Pete Thompson WORKERS IN Royal Mail and Parcelforce took 18 days of strike action last year against bosses’ plans to hold down pay and rip up terms and conditions in a union-busting campaign to transform the company on the model of its gig-economy parcel courier competitors. Strike action was enough to see some significant […]

Workers Power  ·  23 January 2023

All out on 1 February!

THE WORKING class is facing the most serious attack on its living standards since the introduction of austerity after the financial crisis of 2007–8. Workers have responded with the biggest wave of strike action since the 1980s. Millions of workers in the private and public sector have struck for pay rises to keep pace with […]

Workers Power  ·  16 January 2023

Organise the rank and file

THE STRIKES that have dominated the headlines for six months represent a decade of pent-up anger.Millions of workers, especially in the public sector, have seen their real take-home pay collapse by 20–25% under the Tories; now they’re asking us to take another 10–15% cut. The dam has burst. Industrial action stands at a 30 year […]

Workers Power  ·  16 January 2023

We need a general strike to stop new anti-strike laws

RISHI SUNAK’S new anti-strike Bill aims to make any effective strike on the railways, in hospitals or in schools illegal, by requiring unions to negotiate ‘minimum service levels’ with their employer before every strike. The Bill has widened the group of workers affected to include firefighters, ambulance workers and border staff in response to the […]

Workers Power  ·  16 January 2023

Defend workers’ incomes against inflation

INFLATION HAS reached its highest level since the 1980s. The November rate for the UK was 10.67%. Between September 2021 and September 2022, food prices increased by 14.5 percent. At the same time annual wages rises in the private sector stood at 6.7% and 2.9% in the public sector. The purchasing power of wages has […]

Workers Power  ·  16 January 2023

Rebuilding our movement

AS IMPORTANT as they are, these strikes are not the immediate answer for the whole working class. Given weak levels of unionisation and strikes in Britain since the 1980s and Thatcher, there must be a social movement against the high cost of living crisis—the poor, those on benefits, pensioners, low income workers and precarious sections […]

Workers Power  ·  16 January 2023

PCS: Targeted strikes are not enough

Branches have called on the NEC to bring all members out in January.

PCS Activists  ·  18 December 2022

Smash the Tory anti-union drive

The unions must demand Labour commit to repealing every anti-union law.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  18 December 2022

UCU: 70,000 join university strikes

The UCU took action in 150 universities in November.

Dara O'Cogaidhin  ·  17 December 2022

How can postal workers break the deadlock?

We must escalate to all out.

A CWU Rep  ·  17 December 2022

All out to save the NHS

The government has picked a fight with nurses to hold public sector pay down and continue NHS privatisation.

KD Tait  ·  17 December 2022

Suspended CWU rep speaks out: the union must fight for our reinstatement

Royal Mail has suspended at least 100 CWU reps.

A CWU Rep  ·  17 December 2022

RCN strike: how can the nurses win?

By KD Tait THE ROYAL College of Nursing (RCN) is taking strike action on 15 and 20 December in the largest nurses’ strike in UK history. After more than a decade of underfunding, health workers have seen their pay, conditions and staffing levels deteriorate to breaking point. Nurses have lost more than 20% of their […]

KD Tait  ·  14 December 2022

CWU: All out on 9 December!

By a CWU Rep TENS OF thousands of postal workers will mass the picketlines then march on London today. Despite wintry weather and management harassment, strikers remain solid. Public support too has kept strong. True, the billionaire press and TV grill union leaders like Dave Ward and Mick Lynch for Christmas strikes while letting the […]

A CWU Rep  ·  09 December 2022

Postal strike at the crossroads — fight for workers’ control

Drip-feeding strikes hasn't shaken the bosses. It's time to organise for escalated action and against a compromise.

KD Tait  ·  18 November 2022

Postal bosses go nuclear — union must respond in kind

CWU leaders have called off strikes after bosses threatened them with court action

A CWU Rep  ·  02 November 2022

New anti-union laws tighten the noose

What is the TUC going to do about it?

KD Tait  ·  02 November 2022

Yellow Unison goes running to education bosses

By a Unison activist THE NATIONAL Education Union has won an impressive mandate to call an official strike ballot for a cost of living pay increase. Not only did over a quarter of a million teachers vote by 86% on a 62% turnout for strike action in support of a fully-funded (i.e. increasing school budgets) […]

Workers Power  ·  02 November 2022

Break the bosses before they break Royal Mail

Management threats must be met with escalation

A CWU Rep  ·  20 October 2022

Healthworkers: vote ‘yes’ and prepare to fight

Joint strike committees should mobilise across all unions for a big yes vote, and demand escalating action to win

KD Tait  ·  12 October 2022

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