Articles  •  Britain

1000 march to axe the Tax!

20 April 2013

Over 1000 people marched through the streets of Leeds on 20 April in protest against the Bedroom Tax. With chants of “axe axe the Bedroom Tax!” and “they say cut back, we say fight back!” We drew crowds of hundreds to watch the demonstration.

The speeches at Victoria Gardens were an emotive and inspiring mix of campaigners and victims of the Bedroom Tax. One woman spoke about how she keeps medical equipment in her “spare bedroom” and another said that if she is evicted then her grandchildren will no longer be able to stay with her.
John Davies, Chair of Leeds Hands Off Our Homes, explained that it will cost far less for the council to ignore the bedroom tax than to evict tenants.
Speakers called for non-payment and further protests. If Leeds City Council decides to evict non-payers then we must organise resistance on each and every doorstep – a wall of campaigners to defend each tenant.
No to evictions
Tax the rich to build homes
Impose rent controls set by tenants

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