Constructive ambiguity has failed. Labour must break with Brexit and advance a genuinely internationalist programme
Labour members should fight for a special conference to win the party to an unequivocal policy of defeating Brexit and fighting for a socialist Europe
Despite the confusion caused by Labour's fudged Brexit position, internationalist Labour voters should not abandon the party for the Greens or the Lib Dems at the EU Elections.
May Day has always been a focus for workers around the world and this year it is a contrasting picture all right. With a monstrous racist and misogynist in the White House, and an admirer of fascist junta, Jair Bolsonaro, in the presidential place in Brazil, there are plenty of shadows
The reason for Corbyn and Abbott’s support for wanting to leave the EU is, however, more than a vote-catching calculus or just keeping the party together. They believe that it is a necessary pre-condition for a reforming Labour government.
FBU Executive Council Member Paul Embery claims the working class oppose freedom of movement in the EU. But polling shows this is far from the case.
Socialists need to take up the anti-racist and internationalist spirit of the movement and channel it towards socialist solutions
Our leaflet for the 23 March for a People's Vote
As Brexit talks stumble on the intractable backstop to the British border in Ireland, Bernie McAdam calls on British socialists to fight for the only internationalist response, abolish the border altogether!
The impossibility of reconciling the vote to leave the EU with the interests of British capitalism has triggered a historic crisis
Labour lefts break ranks to demand conference policy is adhered to - and Brexit put to a vote
By trampling on conference policy, Corbyn has exchanged one rotten compromise for another.
The incoherent arguments put forwards by Lexit supporters offer no route to radical reforms and lead away from socialism.
Jeremy Corbyn's response to Theresa May’s new plan for Brexit was perceptive enough: “nothing has changed”.
Theresa May is trying to blackmail Parliament into voting for her deal. Labour must stand firm
The New Year will be a year of major political conflict in Britain – one that could spill out onto the streets. The Brexit crisis could in addition trigger the early onset of a recession, the first signs of which are already appearing in the world economy. A general election may come sooner rather than […]
Editorial As we go to press Theresa May is still trying to blackmail both wings of her party by threatening Remainers with a No Deal Brexit and hard line Leavers with No Brexit. The other threat she holds over them is the prospect of Jeremy Corbyn in Downing Street. Meanwhile Corbyn has set his face […]
By KD Tait It was billed as the big breakthrough for the far right: a demonstration on December 9, the supposed eve of Parliament’s vote on the Withdrawal Agreement, led by Gerard Batten, head of the rump-UKIP, and Tommy Robinson, self-appointed white crusader against Islam. In the end they managed to draw a crowd of […]
By KD Tait ON 9 DECEMBER, fascist leader Tommy Robinson will attempt to rally Brexit supporters in a march through London against what he calls the government’s ‘Great Brexit Betrayal’. This demonstration will mark Tommy Robinson’s first public appearance as UKIP ‘consultant’ on ‘grooming gangs’, a post arranged by the party’s new leader Gerard Batten, […]
THE starting point for any socialist looking to determine their stance on Brexit is to ascertain whether it is in the interests of the working class. All other considerations – electoral impact, the finality or otherwise of any given referendum outcome, the attitude to Brexit of the big capitalists or Chukka Umunna – are all […]
ANOTHER poll published yesterday by YouGov reveals that the overwhelming majority of Labour members (86%) support a referendum once negotiations are complete. This has prompted the predictable objection: “It’s a rigged/inaccurate poll” We know that pollsters got it wrong in 2017 and massively underestimated Jeremy Corbyn’s support, but YouGov were one of the only pollsters […]
Recently, during a discussion about the recent poll showing majority support for a referendum on the final Brexit deal among members of the three biggest trade unions, I was met with a familiar but infuriating argument. “Don’t you understand the huge growth the far right will gain from a Labour-led new referendum?” we were asked. […]
By KD Tait After warning mutinous backbenchers that a divided Tory party risks paving the way for a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour government, Theresa May gambled on splitting the pro-Brexit faction of her party, and uniting the Cabinet around the “hybrid” negotiating position agreed at Chequers last Friday. For now, it seems the gamble has paid […]
By Simon Hannah THE FIGHT over whether to leave the European Union is increasing in tempo. Hundreds of thousands marched in central London on 23 June (venomously described by some as “liberals”, “Blairites”, “croissant eating intellectuals” and so on) while sections of the left in Labour have swung to being militant Lexiteers. There is a […]
By Peter Main THIS MONTH sees the second anniversary of the “Brexit Referendum” and, a few days later, the opening of a crucial EU summit on 28 June. Until now, it has been possible for Theresa May to hold her party together by publicly echoing the rhetoric of the “hard Brexiteers” whilst, in the actual […]
By Peter Main LABOUR’S CALL for a post-Brexit “transition period”, during which the UK would remain in the Single Market, has been presented as a clear-headed alternative to the government’s “constructive ambiguity”. Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer described it as “a credible solution to one of the most important issues facing Britain’s exit from the […]
By Jeremy Dewar AN 82 PAGE dossier, outlining the Tories’ proposed immigration legislation once the UK has left the European Union, has been leaked to The Guardian newspaper. It was marked “extremely sensitive”, and it certainly is. The document is imbued with the language of “British jobs for British workers”, the slogan that then Labour […]
By Jeremy Dewar BBC’S PANORAMA team have produced a powerful, courageous and shocking piece of investigative journalism that has blown the lid on Britain’s immigration detention centres. Its programme Undercover: Britain’s Immigration Secrets follows a trainee detention officer, who is so concerned with what he is being asked to do that he secretly records his […]