Workers Power magazine issue 4
Download the PDF version here. Issue 4, March 1977 The end of the social contract? The crisis in Eastern Europe…
Workers Power magazine issue 3
Download the PDF version here. Issue 3, December 1976 The Labour government and the crisis Standing Left candidates TRICO: A…
Workers Power magazine issue 2
Download the PDF version here. Issue 2, 20 December 1975 International-Communist League formed Portugal: Bosses go on the attack Where…
Perspectives: TUC tries to sabotage unemployment struggle
As unemployment approaches 1.5 million, we need a programme to force trade union leaders to fight — or act without…
Workers Power magazine issue 1
Download the PDF version here. Issue 1, 29 November 1975 Perspectives: TUC tries to sabotage unemployment struggle Perspectives: £6 is…
The crisis, the Left, and our perspectives
Our first perspectives document, setting out the fundamental political basis of our tendency: orientation to the working class, internationalism, the…
Portugal: the bosses’ order in disarry
With important elements of dual power established across the country, the next weeks and months will be decisive for the…
Socialists, abortion, and NAC
Where is the National Abortion Campaign going?
Ireland – High time the British left took sides
The war in the Six Counties is a war between British imperialism and the Irish people. But this fact is…
£6 is not our limit—it must be smashed
The Labour government’s Incomes Policy is designed to lower workers’ living standards, and protect the bosses’ profits
Ireland: Revolutionary Marxism must give new lead
A balance sheet of the last decade must be the first step in the production of a revolutionary programme that…
The crisis in IS: Leadership’s lack of programme at root of Left Faction expulsion
A statement from Workers Power, the former Left Faction of the International Socialists issued to IS members shortly after our…
Platform of the Left Faction of the International Socialists (1973)
Download the PDF version here. 1973 Platform of the Left Faction of IS Platform of the Left Faction