Revolution in science? Anti-matter successfully isolated
A recent scientific breakthrough poses big questions about how we conceptualise relationships in the physical universe. Having already proven the…
Vince Cable makes veiled threat on anti-union laws at GMB conference
Con-Dem Business Secretary, Vince Cable, struggled to complete his speech today when he said coordinated strike action could result in…
Education and resistance: next steps for the student movement
As the student academic year draws to a close, the summer is a good time for reflection on the year…
Editorial: We need to get organised
Resistance is growing to Cameron and Clegg’s vicious cuts programme. There is a wave of enthusiasm for the 30 June…
30 June and beyond
Jeremy Dewar outlines a strategy for how to go forward after the co-ordinated strikes on June 30 In this issue…
The anti-trade union laws: how to smash them
The anti-union laws are holding us back – we have to organise to break them, writes Joy Macready What do…
Health workers organising to save NHS
Mark Booth reports on the grassroots led Health Workers Network fighting to save the NHS In response to the attacks…
Unite activists launch Grass Roots Left
Marcus Halaby, Unite member, reports on the Grass Roots Left conference and the next steps for this important development The…
Posties fight job losses
A CWU postal rep reports on the decision to back London posties striking over jobs and backed calls for a…
The euro could collapse
The prospects of a financial collapse in one more more country in Europe could well see the end of the…
The crisis in Euro state finances
The neo-liberal drive to cut taxation on the rich and strip away public services in favour of private provision has…
Risk of debt default spreads in capitalist currency crisis
The Eurozone is in crisis, Richard Brenner explains the latest developments of the financial saga THE RISK of the euro collapsing…
Spanish city centres occupied in fight against austerity and cuts
The occupation of Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square, the Plaça de Catalunya, Barcelona, and those of other cities across Spain…
Can the unions beat the cuts?
We need mass strikes to beat the cuts, argues Jeremy Dewar. So how can we get them? The global capitalist…
Defend Edson Cosmas!
The British Home Office is trying to deport Eddy Cosmas, a gay refugee and LGBT activist from Tanzania. Homosexuality is illegal…
Homophobic Britain
Chris Newcombe reports on the rise of homophobia in Britain today From the presence of Elton John and his partner…
Gay rights – a class issue
Capitalism does all it can to preserve its form of the family and with it the oppression of women, lesbians…
Where does homophobia come from?
WHY IS homophobia still so prevalent around the world? Can lesbians and gay men achieve equality under capitalism? To answer these…
Will the SNP break up Britain?
The SNP have posed left to win an election victory, taking them one step closer to their proposed referendum, asks…
Labour: shame on you for turning blue
The new Blue Labour movement is a dangerous turn to the right, argues Luke Cooper IT IS testament to the…
Obama: President of war
Jamie Traska from Workers Power USA explains how Obama is starting more wars and being just as aggressive as Bush…
SlutWalk: women fight back against misogyny and rape
The SlutWalk movement has struck a chord with young women across the world and has put the issue of rape…
Marxism and the state
Police attack students during the anti-fees protest of Winter 2010 By Simon Hardy Many people think…
Disabled activists fight Atos Healthcare
Over 8,000 people demonstrated for disability rights outside Westminster on 11 May, making the Hardest Hit march the biggest disability…
Youth see no future under Con-Dems
Paul Box/
Unpaid internships: an exploitive trick
Increasing numbers of young people are being forced to work for free as school leavers, college leavers and university graduates…
Regimes and West plot to crush Arab revolt
Every revolution is at some stage confronted by a counter-revolutionary struggle. Egypt’s Mubarak and Tunisia’s Ben Ali may have been…
PCS conference declares war on cuts
PCS Annual Delegate Conference 2011 will be remembered as the conference that declared war – class war – on the…
Nepal trapped in political deadlock
Rajesh Thapa, a Workers Power supporter from Nepal, outlines why the government is still unable to agree a constitution, despite…
Debate: Marxism versus Keynes – will taxation alone stop the cuts?
Simon Hardy asks if we can we just tax the rich to solve the capitalist crisis, or whether more serious…