South London Anti-Fascists confront the BNP in Whitehall
This week it was the British National Party’s turn to try and cash in on Lee Rigby’s killing. But it…
Unite Fight Back: rank and file group founded
A packed meeting in Somerstown Community Centre, north London, agreed to found a new rank and file grouping in Unite,…
Elections in Pakistan: Defeat for pro-war parties
Saturday 1 June, 2013 The Pakistan elections on 11 May led to a landslide defeat for the Pakistan People’s Party…
The riots in Stockholm: a reaction against worsening social conditions and violence
In the week following 13 May, when rioting broke out in the Stockholm suburb of Husby, and then spread to…
Woolwich: the War on Terror on our doorstep
This is a horrific act, committed in front of ordinary civilians, women and children. We sympathise with the family of the…
Strike wave shakes up US fast food chains
Since April, workers campaigning for better wages and the right to unionise have shut down hundreds of restaurants in…
1934: Class war in Minneapolis
Almost 80 years ago, the city of Minneapolis was a battlefield in the class war between workers and bosses….
Was I at Left Unity's first National Meeting?
By Richard Brenner IT’S ONE week since the first national meeting of Left Unity, and after reading some of the…
Bedroom Tax: make Labour pledge 'no evictions'
By an activist in Armley Hands off our Homes The Bedroom tax came into effect on 1 April, cutting the…
Left Unity launched in Wakefield
Six people attended the first meeting of Wakefield Left Unity on Thursday 9 May. There were people from trade unions,…
Young people in the forefront of the struggle
By KD Tait Across the world young people are in the forefront of mass movements for democracy and human rights…
The Palestinian struggle in Syria: an interview
A member of the League for the Fifth International’s German section interviewed Thaer, a resident of Yarmouk, Syria’s largest Palestinian…
Postal workers plan boycott of privatised mail
2013 may not be the year the world ends but it certainly could prove a bad one for anyone who…
Rape and the Left – The enemy within
By Rebecca Anderson THE RAPE AND assault charges against members of the Socialist Workers Party, the RMT union and the…
NHS: the beginning of the end?
By Carla Turner APRIL 2013 could go down in history as the day that marked the beginning of the end…
Spotlight on communist policy: Democratic Centralism
In the last year or two a major debate has been taking place over Lenin’s model of the revolutionary party….
The Cyprus bailout – a new direction?
The vote was close on Tuesday 30 April as a €23 billion bailout deal scraped through the Cypriot House of…
Disposable Workers: the real price of sweatshop labour
By Joy Macready More than three days after an eight-story building housing five textile factories collapsed in the Savar industrial…
'More votes than can fill Wembley'
JERRY HICKS HAS delivered a sensational blow to Len McCluskey, scoring a massive 36 per cent of the vote in…
WP no. 371 Editorial
The crisis in the Socialist Workers Party has implications for the entire left. Allegations of rape against a leading member…
Post Office workers fight Coalition “transformation”
Post Office workers have taken strike action twice, on Easter Saturday and again on 19 April. They’re angry at plans…
1000 march to axe the Tax!
Over 1000 people marched through the streets of Leeds on 20 April in protest against the Bedroom Tax. With chants…
Left Unity launched in Leeds
23 people came to the launch meeting of Left Unity in Leeds this Wednesday. Everyone contributed and collectively we came…
Building Left Unity: where to begin?
The response to Ken Loach’s Appeal “to discuss the formation of a new political party of the Left to bring…
Hospital on-call dispute escalates
A dispute which has been running in a desultory stop-go fashion for years has come to a head in one…
Declaration of the Ninth Congress of the League for the Fifth International
The League for the Fifth International recently held its Ninth Congress in Colombo, Sri Lanka. At its conclusion, the Congress…
Supporting Syria’s revolution at the Tunis World Social Forum
By Marcus Halaby Causes that you are on record as supporting sometimes have a habit of following you around. And…
Margaret Thatcher Dies – celebrate, agitate, organise!
By Dave Stockton ANY EXPRESSION of sorrow for the death of Margaret Thatcher or praise for her qualities or…
Stop US military provocations and economic blockade against North Korea
The Western media is pumping out one simple message about the crisis on the Korean peninsular. Kim Jong-un, a…
Statement to Tunis World Social Forum
This is the text of the leaflet distributed by members of the League for a Fifth International to the World…