March on Tory Party Conference – 29 September
The illusion has been shattered. The austerity coalition – which was cobbled together by David Cameron and Nick Clegg after…
Is this our last chance to unite the resistance?
By Jeremy Dewar / 02 September 2013 David Cameron broke off his fourth summer holiday in an attempt to stampede…
At 65, the NHS is sadly unwell…
By Dara O’Coghaidin, Mental Health worker / 02 September 2013 Established in 1948 to be a free and universal system…
Solidarity with the Syrian People
This is a joint statement supported by the International Socialist Network, Socialist Resistance, Workers Power and the Anticapitalist Initiative The…
No to imperialist intervention – yes to the Syrian people’s revolution
By Marcus Halaby / 30 August 2013 On 21 August, reports emerged that hundreds of people had been killed in…
No Imperialist Attacks on Syria – Victory to the Syrian Revolution!
The League for the Fifth International totally condemns the preparations by the US administration, warmly supported by the British and…
Don't attack Syria: model resolution for Left Unity Branches
This motion was proposed by Workers Power members and passed by Lambeth Left Unity branch on 27 August 2013. Lambeth…
Royal Mail privatisation: workers prepare to fight
By a CWU rep Earlier this month, 500 full-time Communication Workers Union reps and officials, gathered in London for an…
Egypt after the military coup
The July 3 military coup in Egypt, launched by Army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, seems to be faltering in…
Retail workers escalate fight for fair pay in the USA
By KD Tait / Saturday 10 August, 2013 Last week retail workers’ campaign for $15 an hour and the right…
Media's "NHS needless deaths" smear campaign exposed
A recent “correction” in The Guardian makes it the first mainstream newspaper to confirm what many activists, bloggers and most of all,…
Liverpool: council workers set to strike
Unite and GMB members employed in highways, grounds and maintenance work will stage a 24 hour strike on Friday 9…
Platform for a class struggle party
We have drafted a third ‘platform’ to extend the debate within Left Unity. Having read the two platforms currently circulating…
Solidarity with Bridgwater Delivery Office posties
Postal workers at Bridgwater Delivery Office in Somerset are on strike against imposed “summer savings” (workload hikes) and management bullying….
Syriza congress: an eyewitness report
By Martin Suchanek, Gruppe Arbeitermacht Before last year’s elections in Greece, Alexis Tsipras was described by the bourgeois press as…
Tories launch “blitzkrieg” to privatise Royal Mail
…only a national strike by postal workers can derail it Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable has confirmed that…
Royal Mail's fake crisis removed
Two decades of government policy made Royal Mail fail The Tories aim to succeed in privatising Royal Mail where Labour…
Sri Lanka: release student leaders!
Sri Lankan university students attacked by police Statement of the Socialist Party of Sri Lanka,…
People's Assembly: one step forward, two steps back
THE PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY against Austerity succeeded in attracting large and enthusiastic crowds to Westminster Central Hall on 22 June. Those…
China: Slowing growth rates not Beijing's biggest worry
By Peter Main In July it has become traditional for China’s leaders to leave behind the heat and smog of…
WPL pathology bulletin 16JUL13
WPL pathology bulletin 16JUL13
Pathology strike solid at Leeds NHS
By a Unite member Leeds Pathology staff took strike action for 24 hrs from 8.30am 16th July 2013 at three…
Workers Power no. 369 February 2013
WP 369 p01-12-small
Workers Power no. 372 Summer 2013
WP372 p1-16-small
CWU Strike Bulletin 15 July 2013
Royal Mail: 90+ per cent for action – but officials mess up boycott
The lessons for our national strike: rank and file initiative and control Last year saw a completely new type of…
Miliband bites the hand that feeds
By Bernie McAdam and Dave Stockton The Tory popular press, joined by the liberal “quality” papers, have launched a regular…
After Morsi: no support for generals and their stooges
The fireworks celebrating the “cold” military coup that overthrew elected President Mohamed Morsi, however understandable, will prove shortsighted – and…
From New Labour to Blue Labour
Labour leader Ed Miliband’s has started to show his true colours, setting out what he would – and crucially would…
Ukip pushes British politics to the right
The rightwing UK Independence Party (Ukip) leapt into the headlines after the May county council elections. Ukip stood in…