Greens: No threat to capitalism, no saviour for environment
Why socialists shouldn’t support the Green Party
Healthworkers – fight to make Labour pay up
Health workers should organise to meet a Labour government with a united front
Reform UK: Populist camouflage for unbridled capitalism
Reconfiguring the far right
The Great Miners’ Strike of 1984
A pamphlet looking at how the the most militant class struggle in British postwar history was fought, and the lessons…
Ceasefire now: End UK support for genocide
Supplement 21 June 2024
Appeal for a National Palestine Assembly
Open letter to local and national Palestine campaigns. Unite the resistance – for workers’ action to stop the genocide
A Labour government will open a new terrain of struggle
To fight for anticapitalist measures to tackle war, poverty and climate change–we need a revolutionary workers’ party
The general election and the tasks of the working class
The workers’ movement has to put Labour on notice that it can expect no honeymoon
Fourteen years of Tory rule: a balance sheet
The Lords of Misrule prepare to depart the stage
Labour waters down workers’ rights plan
Labour’s plan to extend workers’ rights will be gutted by ‘consultation’ with bosses unless trade unions fight back
Is the NHS safe in Labour’s hands?
Privatisation is here to stay
Will GB Energy have the power to tackle climate change?
Labour’s energy plan amounts to little more than state subsidies for big energy companies
Trade unionists campaign to divest pension funds from Israel
Trade unionists are organising to take control of their pensions
Has Genocide Joe turned peacemaker?
Will the US continue to allow Israel to ignore its most important ally?
What attitude should socialists take to independent candidates?
Independent candidates should use their campaigns to organise a working class movement to press our demands on the next government
No vote for George Galloway and the ‘Workers Party’
The politics of Galloway and the Workers Party do not represent a way forward for the Palestine movement or the…
Ceasefire now: No weapons for genocide!
There can be no peace while Israel maintains its occupation of Gaza and the West Bank
Resist Rwanda deportation scheme
The Tories’ plan to deny refugees their right to claim asylum in Britain, and instead deport them to Rwanda, has…
Further Education: UCU special conference rejects national strike campaign
A rank and file conference is needed to bring together leftwing activists to develop a fighting policy
Leeds students join the global student revolt in solidarity with Palestine
By Scott Woodhouse In the face of violent police repression of pro-Palestine student protesters in the USA, University of Leeds…
Israel: A rogue state runs amok
Six months into the war in Gaza, Israel continues to commit genocide against the Palestinians and aggression against its neighbours…
Goldsmiths lecturers fight 132 job cuts
Goldsmith’s lecturers are fighting cuts of up to 25% of academic staff.
Manchester stands with Elbit 3!
Palestine Action activists are being pursued through the courts in an attempt to stop the successful targeting of Israeli arms…
Tory Britain: the endgame approaches
Workers Power held its national conference last month, which debated and passed a perspectives document to guide our work over…
Bankrupt Britain: how councils go bust
Bankruptcy proceedings filed up and down the country by local
councils are the legacy of 14 years of Tory war…
Sharon Graham scabs on Palestine
Union leader chooses militarism over internationalism
Eyewitness report of Berlin Palestine Congress
By Martin Suchanek In a serious attack on freedom of expression and assembly, on 12 April the Berlin police shut…
Boycott Israel: workers’ sanctions are the way forward
The focus of the Palestine solidarity movement has shifted towards boycotting arms for Israel, but to succceed it needs international…
Red star over Salzburg?
The Austrian Communist Party’s brand of leftwing municipalism is delivering electoral success
Far right surge in Portuguese elections
Social democrats punished as far right surges in latest right shift in Europe