
What is Jeremy Corbyn Playing at?

The reason for Corbyn and Abbott’s support for wanting to leave the EU is, however, more than a vote-catching calculus or just keeping the party together. They believe that it is a necessary pre-condition for a reforming Labour government.

Workers Power  ·  04 May 2019

Israel: Netanyahu’s victory paves the way for annexation

Every dimension of this election revealed how the rightward, violently chauvinist political realignment in Israeli politics over the last decade has hardened to become the new centre ground.

Workers Power  ·  04 May 2019

The Working Class supports free movement, Labour must too

FBU Executive Council Member Paul Embery claims the working class oppose freedom of movement in the EU. But polling shows this is far from the case.

Rob Schofield  ·  08 April 2019

The march against Brexit exposed the self-defeating policy of Labour’s leaders

Socialists need to take up the anti-racist and internationalist spirit of the movement and channel it towards socialist solutions

Workers Power  ·  24 March 2019

Stop Brexit – by any means necessary

Our leaflet for the 23 March for a People's Vote

Workers Power  ·  23 March 2019

Youth strike for climate action

In February tens of thousands of young people showed the way forward in the fight against climate change by walking out of their schools and protesting.

Workers Power  ·  22 March 2019

Solidarity with Leeds University Palestine activists against Fabian Hamilton’s anti-Semitism smear

Red Flag condemns Fabian Hamilton's smears and stands in solidarity with Palestine solidarity activists during Israel Apartheid Week

Workers Power  ·  20 March 2019

IWD 2019: We need a working class women’s movement

March 8 will see women worldwide rally to celebrate International Women’s Day. We hope that millions will respond to the call for a global women’s strike, as they did last year in Spain, in Latin America, in 50 countries in all. In Spain, they were joined by rank and file trade unionists who initiated actual […]

Workers Power  ·  08 March 2019

Why socialists oppose Trump’s ban on Trans soldiers

It is vitally important that we prevent LGBT+ individuals from being forced out of public life by discriminatory policies that seek to invalidate anyone that dares transgress society’s gender norms.

Rob Schofield  ·  06 March 2019

Justice for Sally Challen

Sally Challen, a woman wrongly convicted of murdering her husband in 2011, is one step closer to justice and freedom.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2019

Civil Servants ballot over pay

The PCS is embarking on another pay ballot due to run from 18 March until 29 April. All civil servants deserve a decent pay rise – if the MPs can have one why can’t we?

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2019

Shamima Begum and British Citizenship

Shamima Begum’s request to return to Britain from a Syrian refugee camp has caused enormous controversy and exposed again the precarious position of second-generation migrants.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2019

Ireland: Brexit and the Border

As Brexit talks stumble on the intractable backstop to the British border in Ireland, Bernie McAdam calls on British socialists to fight for the only internationalist response, abolish the border altogether!

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2019

Holbeck’s Sex Work Zone and the socialist imperative of decriminalisation

Labour needs to commit to decriminalisation of sex work and a programme to challenge the exploitation of women

Lydia Humphries  ·  06 March 2019

Labour’s permanent crisis

By Jeremy Dewar Labour suffered its first split in 38 years on 18 February, when Chuka Umunna and six other MPs resigned the Labour Party whip to form the Independent Group, TIG. They were soon joined by Joan Ryan MP and three Tories, including Anna Soubry, thereby revealing the coordinated, cross-party basis for the new […]

Workers Power  ·  04 March 2019

Brexit is breaking Britain’s politics

The impossibility of reconciling the vote to leave the EU with the interests of British capitalism has triggered a historic crisis

Workers Power  ·  27 February 2019

After London college strikes – broaden the campaign

Recent victories show what is possible. Now activists should link up with other unions and build for joint strike action across the sector.

Workers Power  ·  19 February 2019

After the Gang of Seven – now for the rest

Without clearing out the anti-socialist wreckers from the PLP, any Corbyn government will be held hostage by its backbenches.

Workers Power  ·  18 February 2019

Thousands join Youth Strike 4 Climate

School students lead the way in the fight for system change not climate change

Workers Power  ·  16 February 2019

‘Love Socialism Hate Brexit’ – leftwing MPs call for final say

Labour lefts break ranks to demand conference policy is adhered to - and Brexit put to a vote

Workers Power  ·  15 February 2019

We need an internationalist alternative to Brexit

The internationalist left need to outline an alternative to Corbyn's nationalist Brexit project

Urte March  ·  14 February 2019

UK school students set to join global walk-outs against climate change

An international movement reaches the UK

Workers Power  ·  11 February 2019

Jeremy Corbyn’s Letter Is Not “Honest Politics”

By trampling on conference policy, Corbyn has exchanged one rotten compromise for another.

Workers Power  ·  09 February 2019

Unison Ballots School Staff For Action

After years of inaction, Unison members finally have the chance to send a message to the Tories that workers are prepared to fight the destruction of our education system

Workers Power  ·  29 January 2019

Shelter Housing Report Should Be A Wake-Up Call For Labour

Housing charity Shelter has released a report highlighting the dire state of Britain’s housing crisis, which shows Labour’s policy continues to fall short of what is needed

Workers Power  ·  29 January 2019

Lexit Myths Pave The Road To Nowhere

The incoherent arguments put forwards by Lexit supporters offer no route to radical reforms and lead away from socialism.

Workers Power  ·  27 January 2019

Imperialism & The Holocaust

The Hitler genocide must be understood as a result of the function of fascism for the German ruling class and its war aims.

Workers Power  ·  27 January 2019

Down with the imperialist coup in Venezuela!

The US-led attempt to overthrow the Maduro regime has entered a potentially decisive stage

Workers Power  ·  25 January 2019

Empty gestures as Corbyn and May inch closer to Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn's response to Theresa May’s new plan for Brexit was perceptive enough: “nothing has changed”.

Workers Power  ·  22 January 2019

Controversial launch for Labour anti-racism campaign

Grassroots activist initiative expropriated by Momentum

Workers Power  ·  22 January 2019

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