
Social unrest in post-lockdown India

Privatisation, unemployment and industrial unrest.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  08 September 2020

Down with Universal Credit: a living wage for all

Every person should be entitled to a living wage

Mel Astbury  ·  08 September 2020

From hero to zero: how the UK has shown gratitude to their most essential workers during the pandemic

NHS workers campaign for a pay rise.

Hywel Matthews  ·  07 September 2020

Jobs for all!

Fight for work or full pay.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  07 September 2020

Unite and fight for jobs and education

Students must organise solidarity with workers struggles.

Mel Astbury  ·  07 September 2020

Tories could unleash a second wave by reopening schools

For parents', students' and teachers' control of health and safety in our schools.

A UCU rep  ·  03 September 2020

“Jobs jobs jobs”

Labour’s unemployment policy means handouts for the rich.

Tim Nailsea  ·  03 September 2020

Work or full pay!

Ending the furlough scheme threatens many thousands of jobs.

Dave Brody  ·  02 September 2020

Land of hope and glory?

The ‘traditions’ and ‘culture’ that Boris Johnson lauds are inextricably bound up with Britain’s pioneering role as slave-trader and coloniser.

Dave Stockton  ·  02 September 2020

The end of the eviction ban threatens many thousands with homelessness

170,000 private tenants have been threatened with eviction.

George Banks  ·  02 September 2020

How the pandemic hits women hardest

By Jaqueline Katherina Singh Internationally, women make up 70 percent of the staff in social and care professions. According to the German Institute for Economic Research, the proportion of women in the so-called systemically important occupational groups in Germany is just under 75 percent. In this article, we want to give an overview of how […]

Workers Power  ·  25 August 2020

End the senseless slaughter, send aid not warships to migrants in the Channel!

Open the borders to refugees, economic migrants, asylum seekers.

Rob Schofield  ·  18 August 2020

Victory for students but fight goes on

By KD Tait Student protests across dozens of cities have forced the government into a humiliating u-turn after its algorithm downgraded hundreds of thousands of A-Level results. The stress that students have been put through was completely avoidable if the Tories had not arrogantly refused to learn from the debacle in Scotland, where the SNP […]

Workers Power  ·  18 August 2020

Tory algorithm protects the rich and punishes the poor

By Dara O’Cogaidhin Many despondent teachers and students across the country are reflecting on the most shambolic A-level results day in recent times. The cancellation of exams this summer and the replacement processes implemented to award qualifications have proven to be yet another traumatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many young people’s lives and […]

Workers Power  ·  17 August 2020

Starmer lays down the law with CLP discussion ban

By Tim Nailsea On 12 August, the Labour Party’s General Secretary, David Evans, sent an email to CLP secretaries banning discussion of ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer’s decision to settle a court case brought by former employees and the journalist John Ware, who had accused the party of slander in its rebuttal of their accusation of antisemitism […]

Workers Power  ·  16 August 2020

Thousands march in support of nurses’ fight for 15%

With public support behind them, nurses and health workers can lead the way in fighting for a pay rise for all public sector employees.

Workers Power  ·  08 August 2020

Leeds healthworkers join NHS fight for 15%

Hundreds joined the nationwide day of action calling for justice for NHS nurses and health workers excluded from a recent public sector pay rise.

Workers Power  ·  08 August 2020

Bulletin | NHS pay justice or a slap in the face?

Workers Power  ·  05 August 2020

Where next after Momentum elections?

By Urte March In the recent elections for Momentum’s national leadership, Red Flag stood three candidates as part of the Anticapitalist Platform. Our aim was to put forward an alternative programme: turn to the class struggle as the basis for rebuilding a mass movement capable of organising a socialist solution to the capitalist crises engulfing […]

Workers Power  ·  01 August 2020

Editorial | Red Flag Issue 35

By KD Tait Coronavirus has reshaped the boundaries of the possible. The unprecedented level of state intervention into whole areas of economic and personal life has exposed the lie that the government – or the state – can’t do anything about capitalism’s disasters. By the time you read this issue, the Tory government will have […]

Workers Power  ·  01 August 2020

Huawei: Taking back control?

By Peter Main Donald Trump’s boast of his role in the UK decision not to use Huawei equipment for 5G – “I did it myself for the most part … I told many countries that, if they want to do business with us, they can’t use it” – throws a clear light on the realities […]

Workers Power  ·  01 August 2020

The great jobs massacre has begun

As unemployment rockets, union rank & file and unemployed must launch fightback.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  14 July 2020

Tower Hamlets Labour declares war on council workers

The Unison branch at Tower Hamlets Council organised a solid three day strike against the unilateral mass sacking of the entire work force.

Simon Hannah  ·  09 July 2020

Hong Kong: Down with the National Security Law

International Secretariat of the League for the Fifth International On July 1, Beijing’s National Security Law (NSL) was imposed on Hong Kong. It extends the laws against “sedition, conspiracy and collusion with foreign powers” that already operate within “mainland” China to Hong Kong. The law also means that the internal “security” agencies will now operate […]

Workers Power  ·  08 July 2020

Is the Party Over?

A disorderly retreat... or stay and fight?

Tim Nailsea  ·  05 July 2020

Keir Starmer declares war on the left

We must protest Starmer’s sacking of RLB and demand her restatement with a full and humble apology. We must stop the witch-hunt of anti-Zionists, which is the prelude to a wider offensive on everything positive that remains of the Corbyn legacy.

Workers Power  ·  29 June 2020

The murder of George Floyd and the uprising against police racism

By Martin Suchanek and Jaqueline Katharina Singh George Floyd was murdered in a brutal and cowardly fashion by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on a public street in front of bystanders on the morning of May 25th. One of them videoed the whole event and now millions worldwide have seen it. It has triggered weeks […]

Workers Power  ·  25 June 2020

Resist the Tories’ attack on Trans Rights!

The entire Labour and trade union movement must organise to resist the Tories’ attack on existing, inadequate, rights and fight to extend trans rights to include self-ID.

Rob Schofield  ·  16 June 2020

Five ways the government’s emergency coronavirus legislation threatens the working class – and how to fight back

From strengthened police powers to forcing workers to pay for the crisis.

Dave Brody  ·  08 June 2020

Fifth International Website Redevelopment Fund

Our international website is in need of a redesign, and we need your help! Please donate to our website redevelopment fund so we can bring you revolutionary news and commentary from around the world in a more accessible and aesthetic form.

Workers Power  ·  01 June 2020

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