The fight against Tory values.
The Bolivian working class and indigenous peoples must ensure their electoral victory doesn't end in class collaboration.
From protests to the referendum and beyond.
Millions of US citizens vote today in an election which the whole world is watching.
Mass protests in Poland for abortion rights.
A motion for use in Labour Parties, opposing Keir Starmer's suspension of Jeremy Corbyn
The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn is an attack against the socialist left which must be opposed
Companies that cut jobs should be nationalised without compensation to their owners
Resist the return to Blairism.
International solidarity in 1862-3.
By Joe Crathorne and KD Tait The death penalty has been introduced for rape cases in Bangladesh in response to a week of demonstrations against widespread and increasing sexual violence against women and girls. The protests erupted in the capital city Dhakar, after graphic footage showing a group of men sexually assaulting a woman went […]
Bicentenary of Engels birth.
1930s unemployed movement.
HIstory of the National Unemployed Workers Movement.
From organising the unemployed to the Great Strike.
Hounded to his death by Leeds police.
The struggle for anti-racist education.
Tories ban anti-capitalist materials from the classroom.
Government mismanagement and landlord profiteering has left students locked up in highly expensive accommodation which is rapidly becoming an incubator for the virus.
A workers’ movement divided by prejudice cannot unite against the system that exploits and oppresses us.
Labour abstains on bill that decriminalises torture.
Abortion rights under threat.
A report of the Socialist Campaign Groups rally.
The Tories are using the pandemic to oursource to the private sector
Protecting the rights of capitalists at the cost of workers' lives
Protests in Colombia met with police violence
What happened to the "oven ready" Brexit?
Lessons from the parliamentary road.
How Marxists explain the causes and consequences of unemployment under capitalism
The history of the Chilean revolution.