Labour Party and electoral politics

Nationalism and the working class

The working class is an international class.

Mel Astbury  ·  26 January 2021

Why Labour should support the Scots’ right to a referendum

By KD Tait Faced with record levels of support for Scottish independence in the run-up to Holyrood elections in May, Labour leader Keir Starmer has resorted to a tried and busted remedy patented by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown. In a keynote speech on 21 December, Starmer claimed he was offering “a positive alternative to […]

KD Tait  ·  20 January 2021

Labour: no responsibility for Johnson’s Brexit!

By KD Tait Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal will be voted on by Parliament this week. With an 80-seat majority, the deal is certain to pass. It has already been unanimously backed by the remaining 27 EU member states. The campaign to leave the EU, based on the nationalist myth of reclaiming British ‘sovereignty’ was a […]

Workers Power  ·  29 December 2020

Open Letter: We need a united fight against Starmer’s purge

The Labour leadership is attempting to drive the left out of the party. In the past few weeks, over 100 elected branch and constituency officers have been suspended, including 54 on 19 December alone. In November, General Secretary David Evans issued a ban on CLPs discussing his suspension of Jeremy Corbyn. This attack on the […]

Workers Power  ·  22 December 2020

Paul Embery: When the dog whistle becomes tedious

Tim Nailsea reviews Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class by Paul Embery

Tim Nailsea  ·  08 December 2020

Brexit talks hang in the balance

Deal or no deal, the working class loses.

Tim Nailsea  ·  13 November 2020

Motion (TU branches): Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn

A motion for use in trade unions opposing Keir Starmer's suspension of Jeremy Corbyn

Workers Power  ·  13 November 2020

Shut down schools and colleges now

We need to prepare to take action.

A Unison Steward  ·  10 November 2020

Bristol West stands with Jeremy Corbyn

Bristol West CLP demands Corbyn is reinstated.

Tim Nailsea  ·  10 November 2020

Health vs the economy: what’s the best way out of the pandemic?

For a zero-covid strategy.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  08 November 2020

Motion (CLPs): Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn

A motion for use in Labour Parties, opposing Keir Starmer's suspension of Jeremy Corbyn

Workers Power  ·  30 October 2020

Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn – defiance not compliance!

The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn is an attack against the socialist left which must be opposed

Workers Power  ·  30 October 2020

Labour Disconnected: Starmer’s strategy of non-opposition

Resist the return to Blairism.

KD Tait  ·  20 October 2020

The unemployed struggles of the 1920s – We will not starve in silence!

HIstory of the National Unemployed Workers Movement.

Workers Power  ·  08 October 2020

Bristol Trades Council to protest rising unemployment

Take this motion to your trade union or Labour branch.

Workers Power  ·  01 October 2020

Tories block gender recognition reform

A workers’ movement divided by prejudice cannot unite against the system that exploits and oppresses us.

Dave Brody  ·  26 September 2020

Overseas Operations Bill: Starmer’s march to the right hits double-time

Labour abstains on bill that decriminalises torture.

Joe Crathorne  ·  26 September 2020

Socialist Campaign Group rally thousands – but give no direction

A report of the Socialist Campaign Groups rally.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  23 September 2020

Double bluff or full throttle towards the Brexit precipice?

What happened to the "oven ready" Brexit?

Dave Stockton  ·  13 September 2020

From Allende to Corbyn: lessons in reformism 1970-2020

Lessons from the parliamentary road.

Tim Nailsea  ·  11 September 2020

Refugees in the Aegean or the Channel – let them come to Britain!

Fires have destroyed the Moria “camp”.

Dave Stockton  ·  10 September 2020

From hero to zero: how the UK has shown gratitude to their most essential workers during the pandemic

NHS workers campaign for a pay rise.

Hywel Matthews  ·  07 September 2020

Jobs for all!

Fight for work or full pay.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  07 September 2020

Tories could unleash a second wave by reopening schools

For parents', students' and teachers' control of health and safety in our schools.

A UCU rep  ·  03 September 2020

“Jobs jobs jobs”

Labour’s unemployment policy means handouts for the rich.

Tim Nailsea  ·  03 September 2020

Work or full pay!

Ending the furlough scheme threatens many thousands of jobs.

Dave Brody  ·  02 September 2020

The end of the eviction ban threatens many thousands with homelessness

170,000 private tenants have been threatened with eviction.

George Banks  ·  02 September 2020

United Left Divided

The divide in Unite's dominant faction deepens.

Tim Nailsea  ·  23 August 2020

End the senseless slaughter, send aid not warships to migrants in the Channel!

Open the borders to refugees, economic migrants, asylum seekers.

Rob Schofield  ·  18 August 2020

Starmer lays down the law with CLP discussion ban

By Tim Nailsea On 12 August, the Labour Party’s General Secretary, David Evans, sent an email to CLP secretaries banning discussion of ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer’s decision to settle a court case brought by former employees and the journalist John Ware, who had accused the party of slander in its rebuttal of their accusation of antisemitism […]

Workers Power  ·  16 August 2020

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