We need 15% or £15 an hour
Dublin Bus workers have soundly rejected a deal recommended by union leaders
Berliners vote to approve the expropriation of all landlords with more than 3,000 properties.
The pandemic revealed just how much British capitalism relies upon transport workers
Healthworkers are being balloted over the government's insulting 3% pay offer
Government offers "insulting" 3%.
Alabama denies vital healthcare to trans youth
A brief respite is being eroded by the government's failure to adequately fund safe schools
Israeli discrimination in vaccine distribution
Wealthiest countries hoarding vaccines.
The teachers' initiative is a model for workers to follow
Why do some people defy the public safety measures?
By KD Tait Following a mass online briefing attended by tens of thousands of education workers at the weekend, trade unionists are taking action to prevent the unsafe reopening of schools. This action is now essential because the government’s insistence on keeping schools open was a major contributory factor to the spread of a more […]
By Jeremy Dewar Novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-19 continues to test the world’s governments. None more than Boris Johnson’s Tory administration, it seems, with the recent discovery of a new strain, variant B117 in the south-east of Britain, which is proving to be 56% more infectious than previous iterations of the virus. Not only is this variant […]
Negligence at every step.
Class, oppression and mental health under lockdown.
We need to prepare to take action.
The Tories are using the pandemic to oursource to the private sector
Protecting the rights of capitalists at the cost of workers' lives
Privatisation, unemployment and industrial unrest.
NHS workers campaign for a pay rise.
Students must organise solidarity with workers struggles.
For parents', students' and teachers' control of health and safety in our schools.
Labour’s unemployment policy means handouts for the rich.
170,000 private tenants have been threatened with eviction.
By KD Tait Student protests across dozens of cities have forced the government into a humiliating u-turn after its algorithm downgraded hundreds of thousands of A-Level results. The stress that students have been put through was completely avoidable if the Tories had not arrogantly refused to learn from the debacle in Scotland, where the SNP […]
By Dara O’Cogaidhin Many despondent teachers and students across the country are reflecting on the most shambolic A-level results day in recent times. The cancellation of exams this summer and the replacement processes implemented to award qualifications have proven to be yet another traumatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many young people’s lives and […]
How we can stop the schools reopening on 1 June and put public health before private wealth
As the coronavirus crisis rips through society, International Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April is more important than ever.
The UK government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed not only the ineptitude of the current government but the sorry state of our National Health Service, which has been pushed to breaking point by successive administrations