Red tape saves lives. The ruling class and the housing companies have continued to strip away our safety in order to line their own pockets. This must change to prevent another Grenfell.
FBU Executive Council Member Paul Embery claims the working class oppose freedom of movement in the EU. But polling shows this is far from the case.
It is vitally important that we prevent LGBT+ individuals from being forced out of public life by discriminatory policies that seek to invalidate anyone that dares transgress society’s gender norms.
Image Credit: C. Suthorn SATURDAY 6 October 2018, United States Senate Chamber. Vice President Mike Pence, a man who has stated that it is his express goal to make abortion illegal in the US “in our time”, presides over the final vote to confirm alleged sexual predator Brett Kavanaugh as the next Justice of the […]
ANOTHER poll published yesterday by YouGov reveals that the overwhelming majority of Labour members (86%) support a referendum once negotiations are complete. This has prompted the predictable objection: “It’s a rigged/inaccurate poll” We know that pollsters got it wrong in 2017 and massively underestimated Jeremy Corbyn’s support, but YouGov were one of the only pollsters […]
Recently, during a discussion about the recent poll showing majority support for a referendum on the final Brexit deal among members of the three biggest trade unions, I was met with a familiar but infuriating argument. “Don’t you understand the huge growth the far right will gain from a Labour-led new referendum?” we were asked. […]
THE online culture wars became inflamed again recently in an episode triggered by — of all things — microwave rice. After celebrity chef Jamie Oliver released his new “Punchy Jerk Rice” Dawn Butler, Labour MP and daughter of Jamaican immigrants, took to Twitter to admonish him. She wrote: “#jamieoliver @jamieoliver #jerk I’m just wondering do you know what #Jamaican#jerk […]
Rob Schofield reports on the recent antifascist action in Leeds TOMMY ROBINSON supporters were sent home from Leeds with their tails between their legs on Saturday after they were met with an effective anti-fascist mobilisation. Through anti-fascist networks, the Labour Party and the trade unions 600 answered the call to oppose the fascists’ incitement of […]
João Moreira Salles’ thoughtful cinematic essay No Intenso Agora begins with Charles de Gaulle’s address to France on New Year’s Day 1968. A warm, almost grandfatherly figure, de Gaulle comments with palpable irony that although “the future is difficult to predict” he is pleased by the “happy, peaceful outlook that 1968 offers upon the nation”. […]
Does Charlie Brooker's latest effort hold a mirror up to the real threat?
Wakefield City Academies Trust has announced that it is pulling out of 21 schools, throwing the academic lives of thousands of children across Yorkshire into limbo.
LAST SATURDAY 2 September a group of us travelled to Keighley to counter-protest the English Defence League’s (EDL) national demonstration. Over 300 police had been bussed in including officers from Wales, Durham and Northumbria to protect just 60 EDL members. The march had originally planned to go to Bradford as well as Keighley, but days […]
The bosses argue Lenin lead to Stalin. This article shows how Lenin opposed Stalin and the rise of the Soviet bureaucracy.
A look at the Russian Revolution of 1905, the 'dress rehearsal' for 1917.
Imperialism is a specific stage of capitalism, represented by the division of the world's markets into giant monopolies dominated by financial capital.