A report of the Socialist Campaign Groups rally.
Fight for work or full pay.
As unemployment rockets, union rank & file and unemployed must launch fightback.
In the last two weeks of March, 950,000 people successfully applied for the income support part of Universal Credit. The DWP has moved 10,000 backroom staff onto the frontline to cope with the 10-fold surge in demand
Our era is indeed facing ever more regular and more severe crises from global heating to financial meltdowns to pandemic diseases. Yet these global, social problems are being dealt with along rival national lines and under competing capitalist property rights
IRAQ’S REVOLUTIONARY DEMOCRATIC protest movement, which started on October 1, 2019, is facing its biggest test yet, as interim Prime Minister Mohammad Allawi is set to announce his government, designed to end the uprising. High school and university students have led the movement with a wave of strikes, which threatened to lead to cancelling the […]
Defeating the right wing candidates is key to dragging Labour into real opposition to the Tories
LABOUR TRANSFORMED is an initiative of a group of activists to form an anticapitalist tendency in the Labour Party. Their inaugural public meeting was held in London just two days after Labour’s electoral defeat, which, it turned out, was ideal timing to capture the attention of about 150 activists looking for answers. Meeting Most of […]
Review of Blue Story, directed by Rapman (Andrew Onwubolu) A low-budget debut film made by British hip-hop artist Rapman has hit the news for all the wrong reasons.
Jeremy Dewar reviews From BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Car workers in the US are entering their fourth week of all-out strike action as we go to press. The largest auto strike since 2007 is solid so far. In fact the strikers have elicited solidarity action from Mexican GM workers, and have now been joined by others in South Korea. On 16 September, 48,000 […]
UNITE GENERAL Secretary Len McCluskey has triggered an early election campaign for the position he currently holds. The three candidates, McCluskey, Gerard Coyne and Ian Allinson, have until 17 February to gain an undemocratically high 50 branch nominations to get on the ballot paper. Members then have from 27 March to 19 April to vote. […]
THE PAPERS, TV and radio say Britain is under siege from immigrants. They blame them for higher taxes, crime, housing shortages, hospital waiting lists, cheap labour and terrorism. During the Brexit campaign, and since, this has reached fever pitch. There are two possible reasons for this. Only one of them can be true. The first is […]
SOUTH AFRICA’S student movement has closed down many of the country’s universities for nearly a month now in their campaign to abolish fees. In one of the world’s most unequal societies, the battle encapsulates the frustrations and anger of the vast majority of black people, who still face poverty, unemployment and exclusion, despite the fall […]
OWEN SMITH is the candidate chosen by Labour’s rebel right wing MPs to stand against Jeremy Corbyn in the leadership election. Many party activists asked, “Owen who?”, so low was his profile when his bid was announced in July. His choice sums up just how cynical and bankrupt the right wing of the party are. Their […]
By Jeremy Dewar TORY CHANCELLOR George Osborne has told the BBC that, “storm clouds are clearly gathering in the world economy and that has a consequence for lots of countries including Britain”. At the same time, the Office of National Statistics revealed that the UK economy is 1 per cent smaller than previously calculated: a […]
The images of the Black Panthers – black berets and leather jackets, afros, guns, the pouncing panther – and their enduring inspiration are so great that it’s hard to believe that this is only the second full length film documenting their rise and fall. However, it is well worth the wait. The footage and interviews […]
RANK AND FILE candidate Jerry Hicks has now secured 84 validated branch nominations – with several days still to go to the deadline for nominations. Barring a veritable bureaucratic coup d’état Jerry will run against Len McCluskey for general secretary of Unite. Jeremy Dewar looks at the reasoning behind the Socialist Party’s backing for the […]
THE 28 MARCH strike by London schools and colleges showed just how impressive a nation-wide strike could have been. Around 1,500 schools were shut down or severely disrupted, while almost all colleges and most ‘new’ universities faced chaos or closure. Ten thousand marched in central London, bringing traffic to a halt and cheers from passers-by. […]
Directed by Joe Cornish
The Marxist programme on the national question.