By Alex Rutherford Labour’s electoral strategy with regards to environmental policy was clearly to get their betrayals in early. They ditched the £28 billion a year pledge for green investment, replacing it with a quarter of that amount and tying it to private public partnerships. They promised not to rescind any of the 100 new […]
Israel's genocidal assault is prompting a generation of young Jewish people to play a leading role in Palestine solidarity campaigning.
A review of documentary Defiance: Fighting the Far Right directed by Satiyesh Manoharajah, Channel 4 mini-series.
Any agreement reached under the cosh of Netanyahu and Ben Gvir’s New Nakba and the services of US imperialism would mean simply continuing the torment of the Palestinians and the denial of their democratic rights and national sovereignty.
Alex Rutherford explains the tensions between the different factions of Zionism and how these affect Israel’s war aims
Alex Rutherford charts the origins of Zionism in response to antisemitism and its evolution into a colonial project backed by imperialism.
Protest on Day X.
Capitalism destroys the environment
4 July 2023 was the hottest day since records began, since then wildfires and extreme heat has scorched several countries around the world.
In a climate of heightened police repression Alex Rutherford discusses the way forward for militants and activists.
By Alex Rutherford and Rose Tedeschi THE RECENT Climate Change Committee (CCC) report to Parliament, demonstrates the UK’s abject failure to prepare the country for the impacts of climate change. This is the third report of its type. Each one is essentially a ‘five year plan’ for adaptation to climate change. Sadly, even its limited […]
The far right government has unleashed a wave of settler violence
By Alex Rutherford WITH A new winter of discontent, rising prices, a growing strike wave and scandals ranging from tax penalties to kidnapped child refugees, it is no wonder that many commentators are predicting that Rishi Sunak’s career as Prime Minister may be a short one. From the perspective of the working class, the shorter […]
Official reports chart the complete failure of attempts to solve the climate crisis and serve as a reminder of the urgent need for socialist solutions.
By R. Banks and Alex Rutherford The growing cost of living crisis and increasing public alarm at what it will mean pose the urgent need for a united front between all those affected by inflation. It needs to bring together union members and those who want to join a fighting union; the unemployed and underemployed; […]
Criminal Barristers are escalating their action to an all-out strike.
By Alex Rutherford As industrial militancy rises again in Britain for the first time in many years, criminal barristers have joined the strike wave. Workers Power spoke to Saul Brody, a striking barrister from Manchester, to discuss why the strike matters, the problems in the criminal justice system, and the impact of these issues on […]
The base rate of pay for deliveries has been reduced by 24%.
A disgusting, racist plan.
RECENT EVENTS in Ukraine have been a sharp reminder that under capitalism, inter-imperialist rivalries inevitably lead to brutal wars that cause mass death and devastation. While some of these wars are localised within individual countries or regions, there is always the danger that another World War could break out, which would inevitably involve human suffering […]
The ongoing witch-hunt against socialists and pro-Palestinian activists within the Labour Party has jumped up another gear.
Since the start of the pandemic, trans people have been left in limbo by the NHS, with devastating effects on their physical and mental health.
By Alex Rutherford THE GOVERNMENT and Labour are exploiting the murder of David Amess MP to whip up fears around ‘online anonymity’ in order to ram through a raft of measures giving the government unprecedented control over online free speech. The Bill has been on the cards for some time – the draft text was […]
By Alex Rutherford The Aukus security pact between Australia, the UK and the US represents one of the most dramatic moves yet taken by the United States to counter the threat to its interests posed by its largest imperialist rival, China. It also represents a brutal snub to France and by extension to the European […]
Only 43 of 800 accused officers have been prosecuted.
3,000 deaths per day.
Court rules Uber drivers are workers.
Starmer opposes Corporation Tax increase.