
Obama’s trail of broken promises

Barack Obama campaigned on a ticket of ‘hope and change’ but, in office, has radically short-changed his young, Black and working class supporters. It was their huge mobilisation for his election campaign in 2008 that put America’s first black president into office and also swept the Democrats to victory in both houses of Congress. Two […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011


From credit crunch to global crisis The fightback begins WHAT STARTED as a credit crunch became a worldwide recession. The banks demanded public money to keep their system afloat – now the governments of the world face huge deficits in their budgets and demand the poor pay the cost of this crisis. Mervyn King, head […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

A working class solution to the crisis

  The Con-Dem Coalition aims to destroy the welfare state. The bosses, police chiefs, top civil servants and most of the media back them. The 26 March demonstration can launch a massive wave of popular anger. But the government won’t back down because of one huge demonstration. Blair went to war in Iraq despite more […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Labour Party: with us or against us?

IN THE MONTHS after the Con-Dem coalition was formed, 30,000 people – fearful for their future – signed up to join the Labour Party. Brown’s departure meant a party leadership contest and many old and new party members hoped someone would emerge who would rally resistance to the impending savage cuts to jobs and services. They were […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

TUC: leaders without a strategy

The Trade Union Congress called the 26 March demo under the slogans: jobs, growth and justice. Countering the Con-Dems’ rhetoric that that there is no alternative to cuts, the TUC bases its economic strategy on three demands: • Crackdown on tax avoidance and loopholes • Raise Robin Hood tax on banks and finance • Policies […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Strikes take anticuts fight to next stage

As we go to press, the Universities and Colleges Union is in the middle of a week of strikes. This will culminate on 24 March, when 120,000 further and higher education teachers will strike together across the UK.

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

“No one’s talking about a general strike”

There is a serious debate going on within the movement about how to beat the cuts, write Jeremy Drinkall and Richard Brenner. Different strategies are being proposed but there is one thing that the TUC and Tories certainly agree on – nobody is talking about a general strike (or are they?)

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Millionaires’ war on services

NEARLY 80 per cent of the Con Dem Coalition cabinet are millionaires, yet their attacks are hitting ordinary people hardest

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Serve the rich, screw the poor – the Tories’ vision for Britain

The Tories are pushing through some of the most dramatic cuts and reforms in living memory, John Bowman explains where they want to take Britain

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Editorial: All together now

Over the next four years the Tories and the Liberal Democrats want to destroy the welfare state as we know it, writes editor Simon Hardy

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Bring down the Tories? Yes we can!

Mandate? No WAY. Cameron and Clegg do not have the voters’ backing for their vicious cuts package – the deepest in British history. Their Coalition only has a majority in Parliament because of Lib Dem support, and the Lib Dems only won votes because they promised to oppose the cuts. What’s more, no one voted […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2011

Post Office staff vote overwhelmingly to strike

Post Office workers have voted a thumping 93% in favour of striking over the lack of a pay rise. The high vote and good turnout (66%) by the 4,000 Communication Workers Union (CWU) members in Crown Post Offices shows the widespread anger with two years of a pay freeze. With growing inflation this is in […]

Workers Power  ·  18 March 2011

All together for our pensions – UCU lecturers prepare to strike

University lecturers are preparing to strike against a massive attack on their pensions. Across the public sector, the Con-Dem government are tearing up existing pension agreements (see article on Hutton Report). But so far it’s only the lecturers who have balloted for action. Over 60% voted to strike, with just over 50% also voting to […]

Workers Power  ·  12 March 2011

Hundreds take protest against NHS Bill to City of London

The Bill in question is Andrew Lansley’s Health and Social Care Bill, which will open up 80% of the NHS budget to private GP consortia and give contracts to “any willing provider” of health services. On top of this, 50,000 jobs, including many frontline posts, will disappear this year – 635 of them at St […]

Workers Power  ·  11 March 2011

UK food price rises spark riot fears

HSBC’s Karen Ward, a senior economist at the bank, said that rapidly rising food prices were occurring at a time of “very, very low wage growth”. In fact, living standards have fallen in the UK by more than 10 per cent, according to the Bank of England’s chief Mervyn King, as inflation outstrips wages. They […]

Workers Power  ·  11 March 2011

The great pensions robbery

“There’s got to be a deal here between the taxpayer and the scheme member and that deal is going to unravel if the people in the public sector say they will not contemplate change,” he said. His report has two main recommendations. First, he wants to raise the retirement age to 66 by 2020. Hutton […]

Workers Power  ·  11 March 2011

Is the TUC building the movement – or restricting it?

Industrial overiew from Jeremy Drinkall

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

The big Tory sell-off

“We are not the same old Conservative Party. We have changed. We are a party for the mainstream majority.” This is how David Cameron lied his way into Downing Street, writes Jeremy Drinkall

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Middle East in revolt

The revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have sparked off a wave of protests throughout the Middle East, raising demands for democratic change and for improvements in living standards.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Cameron attacks multiculturalism

The UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron attacked multiculturalism in a speech in Munich recently, David Stockton looks at the racism behind the row over multiculturalism

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Daily Star backs fascist EDL

The Daily Star recently upped its campaign of bigotry and race-hate by giving support to the fascist English Defence League (EDL), writes Dan Edwards.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

North Africa: the revolutions rage on

The revolutions sweeping North Africa and the mass protest movements across the Middle East are a sign of the times. For too long, people in the world have been living under the boot of western imperialism and authoritarian dictatorships. Now across the globe they are beginning to rise up, writes Simon Hardy

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Pakistan: strikes grip public sector

The Pakistani ruling class is trying to force the working class to pay the price of the capitalist crisis. But over the past month a growing movement of resistance has shaken the country, writed  Editor, Resistance magazine.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Left makes breakthrough as Fianna Fáil suffers historic collapse in Irish elections

A new political situation has emerged in Ireland with real opportunities for the left to lead the anti cuts struggle. Bernie McAdam reports

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

We can beat the Tories

Workers Power believes thousands of activists will be striving to make the 26 March demonstration as big as possible in order to make it a platform for action that can defeat the government.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Reasons to protest on 26 March: cuts to women's refuges

Government cuts to council budgets will lead to more victims of domestic violence dying at the hands of their abusers, writes Joy Macready.

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Islamists back Egypt’s military

For decades, Hosni Mubarak justified his rule by claiming that democratisation would see Egypt fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, the banned Islamist opposition movement, writes Marcus Halaby

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

Benefits overhaul will punish unemployed and disabled people

The government has stepped up its war on the poor with planned restructuring of benefits, which will see many of the UK’s poorest worse off, writes Keith Spencer

Workers Power  ·  06 March 2011

After the Town Hall occupation, anti-cuts group grows

Report from Lambeth Save Our Services Fresh from our spirited occupation of Brixton Town Hall, Lambeth Save Our Services met last night full of new activists, brimful of confidence and raring to go again. Jeremy Drinkall reports. The occupation of Lambeth Town Hall on 23 February hit the front page of the South London Press […]

Workers Power  ·  03 March 2011

Celebrate 100 years of International Women's Day

Public meeting to celebrate 100 years of International Women’s Day with international and national speakers on women’s struggles.. Thursday 10 March at 7pm. University College London, Chadwick GO7, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT     Born at a time of great social turbulence and crisis, when the imperialist nations were gearing up for world war, […]

Workers Power  ·  02 March 2011

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