Stop the War’s perspective on the Ukraine war is a blend of the politics of the two major political tendencies which support it and make up the bulk of its members – Counterfire and the Communist Party of Britain (CPB).
Azerbaijan forces have expelled 100,000 ethnic Armenians from their homeland.
An analysis of the specific features of Russian imperialism
Wagner mutiny shows how Ukraine war is testing Putin regime
The League for the Fifth International corrects its errors on the character of the war in Ukraine
As rival imperialists manoeuvre for position, workers urgently needs a Fifth International
The manoeuvrings of the great powers will shape the prospects for peace
Conscription order has prompted hundreds of thousands to flee the country
In death, as in life, the role and significance of Mikhail Gorbachev, who died on August 30 and was buried on September 3, remains disputed.
The British press barely mentioned the resistance in Belarus.
The new cold war has intensified.
The British media have hailed the scale of sanctions being imposed upon Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
The United States works on the principle that what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is a matter for negotiation.
Nato, despite its huge military superiority, presents itself as a defensive alliance, as ‘the good guys’.
A revolutionary situation could emerge in which Putin’s ‘managed capitalism’ and ‘managed democracy’ can be called into question.
Putin has resorted to a war of attrition against civilians.
Political bulletin for 2 March 2022
By KD Tait VLADIMIR PUTIN’S invasion of Ukraine is a savage and reactionary assault on the sovereignty and independence of the people of Ukraine. People around the world are rightly moved by images of the wrecked apartment blocks and a rising death toll, covered on their TV screens. The UN estimates (27 February) 160,000 refugees, […]
The main enemy is at home.
Putin’s threat to invade, let alone any actual invasion, must be condemned by all socialists and democrats.
The Turkish-Russian agreement on the establishment of a buffer zone along the Turkish-Syrian border, which was negotiated in Sochi on 22 October, has fundamentally changed the balance of power in Syria
By Svenja Spunck IN June, the Russian government announced a far-reaching pension “reform”. The main change is to raise the retirement age for women from 55 to 63 and for men from 60 to 65. What may sound to people in Germany like whingeing actually means working to the death in Russia, because average life […]
ON 4 MARCH 2018, a former Russian spy turned double agent for MI5, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia, were poisoned using Novichok, a hitherto obscure nerve agent. The British government has named Russia and its newly re-elected President, Vladimir Putin, as the culprit. The main evidence is the claimed development of Novichok by Russia, […]
THE SYRIAN Observatory for Human Rights reports that Bashar al-Assad’s warplanes, artillery and barrel bombing helicopters have launched a major assault on the last extensive rebel-held region of Idlib, aided by their Russian allies. It is likely that the offensive aims to concentrate the population into a narrow pocket, subject them to final liquidation or […]
IN THE February Revolution of 1917, the workers and soldiers of Petrograd rose in spontaneous revolt against the hardships caused by two and a half years of war. Civilians were verging on starvation, while those fighting suffered horrendous losses – 1.5 million had been killed, five million wounded, with millions more taken prisoner. Demonstrations by […]
Lenin’s April Theses, at 479 words one of the shortest of his major works, represented a qualitative advance in his strategic thinking, effected a transformation of the Bolshevik Party’s programme and formed the blue print for the victorious October Revolution that, in turn, changed the world. Nonetheless, the theses built on the previous achievements of […]
BRITAIN’S DEFENCE Secretary Michael Fallon recently said that NATO “is waking up to the challenge of Kremlin aggression and could confront Vladimir Putin’s forces in a showdown” within two years. Fallon assured MPs that former general Sir Richard Sherriff’s prediction of war with Russia in 2017 was “too extreme”. So that’s alright then. These comments […]
BY crushing the Syrian revolutionaries and leaving only Assad and ISIS standing, Putin hopes to force the West to accept that Assad’s regime (with or without Assad at the top of it) is their least worst option. Putin’s claim to stand for the “unity of the Syrian state” actually means restoring the rule of the […]
A propaganda offensive against ‘Russian aggression’ orchestrated by the United States and its Nato allies aims to trigger a new arms race and shackle Europe into the USA’s strategic confrontation with Russia After 15 years of war in Afghanistan, Nato chiefs have signalled they have no intention of acquiescing to war-weariness and beating their swords […]
By Kady Tait On 16 March, the population of Crimea voted overwhelmingly for federation with Russia. The results of the referendum were immediately rejected by all the major western imperialist powers, which have now barred Russia from G8 meetings and applied sanctions to figures in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s entourage. In response to manoeuvres by […]