Pay and conditions

As Tory divisions grow, workers’ action can win

Political bulletin for 2 November 2022

Workers Power  ·  02 November 2022

Post Office workers serve up strike

Post Office workers are preparing to strike on 3 May after a massive 97.3% vote for industrial action over pay.

Andy Yorke  ·  27 April 2022

PCS: now is the time to strike

PCS is deciding whether to ballot its members for strike action.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  27 April 2022

Cost of living: We need industrial and social resistance

We face the worst cost of living crisis in living memory.

Urte March  ·  13 April 2022

As inflation bites: make the bosses pay

Prices rise at record rates.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  09 February 2022

PCS members must organise for pay fight

The Civil Servants’ union PCS will hold a consultative ballot on pay and pensions between 14 February and 21 March.

Rebecca Anderson  ·  07 February 2022

After the Unison local government pay fiasco

The 14.6% turnout in the pay ballot marks a dangerous low point.

A Unison Steward  ·  07 February 2022

Fight inflation – for a sliding scale of wages!

For a 1% increase in wages for every 1% increase in prices.

Jeremy Dewar  ·  12 December 2021

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