
Lesbos: The migrant crisis is a humanitarian crisis

Refugees still stranded on Lesbos.

George Banks  ·  10 November 2020

Syriza pays the price of betrayal

The only thing worse than defeat is defeat without a fight

Workers Power  ·  19 July 2019

Syriza continues ‘cuts for cash’ policy

By Katie Pelikanou On February 28 representatives from the European Union, European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund arrived in Athens to discuss terms for a fourth bailout package for the Greek government. These negotiations had initially stalled, with the IMF dubious about Greece’s ability to achieve a ‘sustainable’ fiscal surplus, givent that the […]

Workers Power  ·  01 March 2017

Greece: meet unconditional surrender with unconditional resistance

By KD Tait Monday 13 July After a 17 hour final session in Brussels, Germany’s “Iron Chancellor”, Angela Merkel, and her finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble finally accepted the complete capitulation of Alexis Tsipras. Their terms reduce Greece to a virtual colony of the imperialist powers that dominate the Eurozone, supreme amongst them Germany. If this […]

Workers Power  ·  14 July 2015

Syriza surrenders – without a fight

By KD Tait 11 July 2015 Alexis Tsipras and the leadership of Syriza have betrayed the mandate given to them twice by the Greek people. Scarcely a week after 61 per cent of voters said Oxi!-No! they have presented a nearly identical proposal to the parliament in Athens, which has voted by 250 votes to 32 to […]

Workers Power  ·  12 July 2015


Monday 6 July, 2015 By KD Tait   No to blackmail. No to humiliation. No to austerity. The determination of the Greek workers and youth to end austerity has been expressed in a defiant rejection of the Troika’s ultimatum. Today, Syriza has an overwhelming second mandate to carry out its promise to break with austerity, […]

Workers Power  ·  06 July 2015

Greece: oxi means no – reject EU ultimatum and fight for workers’ power

29 June, 2015 All eyes are on Greece as its citizens prepare to vote in a referendum on the Troika austerity ‘offer’ that will dramatically shape the course of the wider European resistance to austerity. The consequences of rejection – No – should not be underestimated and cannot be entirely predicted. Nevertheless it is right […]

Workers Power  ·  29 June 2015

Let Greece breathe: workers' solidarity to counter bosses' blackmail

25 March 2015 Despite the election of a government pledged to ease the intolerable burden of paying interest on Greece’s €320bn foreign debt and to renegotiate the terms imposed by the Troika (the IMF, the ECB and the European Commission) so far, no meaningful concessions have been allowed. The country faces a deadline of April […]

Workers Power  ·  25 March 2015

Syriza's negotiated surrender

By KD Tait 5 March 2015 Syriza’s failure to secure concessions on Greece’s loan repayments shows the weakness of a strategy based on exploiting divisions within Europe’s ruling class. The priority now is to halt the retreat, and to prepare the working class to take all measures necessary to defy the Eurozone and carry out […]

Workers Power  ·  08 March 2015

Syriza's modest proposal

By Tobi Hansen and KD Tait 19 January 2015 A snap general election in Greece looks set to end in victory for radical left wing party Syriza, ending a six-year monopoly of pro-austerity governments across Europe. The prospect of a government that rejects the massive social cuts and privatisation dictated by the European Union institutions […]

Workers Power  ·  20 January 2015

Golden Dawn: can the Left seize the initiative?

To the surprise of many, the conservative Greek government has launched a crackdown on the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn. KD Tait looks at the reasons for this and what it means for the working class movement Six MPs and around 30 party activists, including Golden Dawn’s top leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos and his deputy, have been arrested […]

Workers Power  ·  09 October 2013

Syriza Congress: First cracks in a Broad Party

Martin Suchanek attended the Syriza Congress in July as an international observer from the New Anticapitalist Organisation (NAO) in Germany In last year’s elections in Greece, Syriza (The Coalition of the Radical Left) narrowly failed to gain the largest proportion of votes that would have given it the opportunity to try to form a government […]

Workers Power  ·  17 September 2013

Syriza congress: an eyewitness report

By Martin Suchanek, Gruppe Arbeitermacht Before last year’s elections in Greece, Alexis Tsipras was described by the bourgeois press as the “most dangerous man in Europe”. It was said that if he were to enter government the euro and the European Union would be in danger. A representative of the Merkel government in Germany accused […]

Workers Power  ·  30 July 2013

Europe against austerity

The continent is still deep in recession. Coordinated by Germany, France and the European Commission and Central Bank, savage austerity is being imposed on its weaker economies. KD Tait looks at resistance in Portugal and Greece and opposition in France to the new Fiscal Treaty. The southern states of the European Union – Portugal, Italy and […]

Workers Power  ·  15 October 2012

Leeds link-up with Syriza activists

Nassos Theodoridis, a member of Syriza’s Human Rights Commission, spoke by live-link to a meeting organised by the Labour Representation Committee, Leeds Against the Cuts and Leeds Anticapitalist Alternative. The meeting was introduced by Andy Young of Workers Power who gave a brief outline of the situation in Greece and then Nassos spoke about the […]

Workers Power  ·  24 July 2012

Greece; Euro blackmail pulls off narrow victory for the Right – but it can be overthrown by mass workers' action

By the narrow margin of just 2.77 per cent of the popular vote, the Greek electorate succumbed to the blackmail of the Greek media and political class and the threats of the leaders of the European Union to give Antonis Samaras of New Democracy, ND, the initiative to form a coalition to continue wreaking havoc […]

Workers Power  ·  18 June 2012

Why SYRIZA should fight for a workers' government

Austerity, its consequences, and how to resist: these are the issues fuelling the rise of radical Greek party Syriza. Its programme rejects the cuts imposed by the International Monetary Fund, EU Commission and European Central Bank – the so-called “Troika”. This rejection has exposed the fact that the interests of the Greek workers and youth […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

What a workers' government would mean in Greece

With millions of Greeks prepared to vote the left-reformist SYRIZA coalition into power on the basis of its programme of rejecting austerity, revolutionaries in Greece should fight for the formation of a workers’ government. The Fourth Congress of the Communist International, held in December 1922, outlined the key tasks of a workers’ government; “The most […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

Austerity against the workers: who will rule in Greece?

Dave Stockton looks at why the formation of a workers’ government in Greece is necessary to mobilise the popular forces to strike the decisive blow against austerity regimes in Greece, in Europe and in every country where capital insists that workers, youth and the unemployed must be made to pay for its crisis   On […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

How SYRIZA is caught between reform and revolution

SYRIZA is no revolutionary party, but neither is it a normal reformist one. Since 6 May, Syriza has become wildly popular across Europe and around the world. In Europe, at least, it is decades since a party that could seriously challenge for power has had such radical proposals in its programme or its leaders’ speeches. […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

Is the Greek left suffering a crisis of leadership?

It’s no wonder that the opinion polls, immediately after 6 May gave Syriza between 23 and 28 per cent. People realised that Syriza was now a serious contender for power. They realised, after the experience of the last two years, that protest alone would never solve the problems they faced. The issue was quite simply […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

A Greek tragedy? No, a courageous fightback!

  WHY HAS Greece taken the lead? Quite simply because its ordinary people have been subjected to five austerity packages between February 2010 and February 2012. The first three alone amounted to a total cut of €30 billion (12.5 per cent of the 2009 Greek GDP). There was a further cut of five per cent […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

Antarsya and the far left

ANTARSYA HAS recognised the importance of the massive swing of voters behind Syriza as an act of rejection of the austerity programmes. They have elaborated a series of demands as the basis for a social movement from below and demand that Syriza should commit itself to implementing them. They are:   1. Cancellation of all […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

Greece: what direction will the struggle take?

AT THE moment, it is vitally necessary for revolutionaries to pursue such a tactic within Syriza and to campaign for maximum electoral support while criticising every limitation of its programme and leadership. Any sectarian abstention would be suicidal for the left because it would pass the initiative to the fascists, who could grow like wildfire amongst the […]

Workers Power  ·  12 June 2012

A rout for the parties of austerity – an opportunity for the left

The Greek elections have demonstrated a massive popular rejection of the governing parties who support the EU-IMF austerity memorandum that has caused so much suffering to ordinary Greek people over the last two years. New Democracy (ND), which won 33.5 per cent in 2009, is in first place with 18.9 per cent, a loss of […]

Workers Power  ·  12 May 2012

Greece: the prospects for a revolution

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou gives way to a coalition government as the EU leaders attempt to force through more cuts and austerity. But the Greek people are fighting back, writes Martin Suchanek

Workers Power  ·  07 November 2011

What is wrong with Europe?

THE GREEK economy accounts for only 2 per cent of EU GDP. If the EU were a single economic entity, like the United States, transferring some funds to pay off Greek debts would be no more significant than US federal support for reconstruction in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina being partly paid for by taxes […]

Workers Power  ·  27 September 2011

Greek debt crisis leaves Europe on the brink of financial collapse

With Greece on the verge of default the crisis is set to deepen, writes Simon Hardy and Richard Brenner. The Eurozone is in serious trouble with Spain and Italy sinking deeper into debt

Workers Power  ·  27 June 2011

Greece on the verge of revolution – but can the workers win?

Greece is in a prolonged pre-revolutionary crisis. Dave Stockton points to how it can be resolved

Workers Power  ·  27 June 2011

Another general strike hits Greece – but is it enough to win?

Mass anger has again hit the streets of Athens in a general strike against the austerity measures killing the country. John Bowman reports for

Workers Power  ·  15 June 2011

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